How to Stake $GO

Feb 21, 2022


GoChain is now giving 50% of all node rewards to $GO stakers, providing a great way for GoChain supporters to earn while holding GO. This was implemented after a recent community vote on GoChain Improvement Proposal 35. GO is the token that powers the GoChain network, you can read more about it here.

How to Stake

Staking is simple, just follow the steps below:

  • Head over to
  • Connect your wallet (eg: MetaMask)
  • Click Stake
  • Choose how much you want to stake and submit the transaction

That’s it!

NOTE: Minimum amount to earn rewards is 50,000 GO


Rewards will be distributed daily directly to the staking wallet. No action is required.

Distributions will begin on March 1st or earlier.


To unstake/withdraw your staked GO, just click the unstake button.

