How to use GoChain with Metamask

Travis Reeder
2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Adding GoChain to MetaMask is easy, you just need to add a custom RPC. Keep reading to see how.

Note: we’ve hard previous posts about this, but the question gets asked a lot so we thought’d we’d post again with updated screenshots and instructions. Leave a comment if you have any issues.

Add custom RPC provider to MetaMask

Click on ‘Main Ethereum Network’ dropdown and select Custom RPC:

Fill in the following details:

That’s it! Now you’re connected to GoChain.

But I don’t see my GoChain tokens??

You may not see your tokens show up automatically and if you need to add particular token you just need to add a custom token using the tokens contract address.

Ensure you’re on the GoChain network in the top dropdown and click Add Token.

Click ‘Custom Token’

Click custom token to add manually.

And add the details:

Get some GO if you don’t have any

You’ll need GO to provide gas for your transactions, just like you need ETH on Ethereum. You can buy GO in many places, you can find a list of places here.

You’re good to GO!

