How to Use GoChain with MyEtherWallet

2 min readApr 11, 2018


UPDATE July 2nd, 2018: GoChain is officially supported by MyEtherWallet, see this post for more info.

Want to try GoChain using MyEtherWallet (or MyCrypto)? Well now you can, and it’s easy! Just follow along below.

Add GoChain Network to MyEtherWallet

First, let’s add GoChain MainNet (or TestNet) to the list of Networks. In the top right, there is a dropdown box that lists the current network you are using.

Click that then choose Add Custom Network / Node at the bottom.

Enter the following information:

Node Name: GoChain
URL: (testnet:
Port: 443
For Type: Custom
Check Supports EIP-155 and set Chain ID to: 60 (testnet: 31337)

It should look like this:

Click Save & Use Custom Node, and you’re ready to start using it.

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