Soft Cap Reached, Testnet Live & More Exciting News!

3 min readMar 28, 2018


We are happy to announce that we have reached our soft cap! The private sale is now officially closed! A big thank you to all our supporters for believing in us and supporting GoChain. Cheers to 2018 and all that is to come!

Token Sale Date Changes

The GoChain token sale dates have changed to the following, to give us more time to properly market the project, increase awareness, introduce the team to the community at large, and to allow for more favorable market conditions.
Pre-Sale: May 1–15
Public Sale: May 16–30

Partnered with the Best.

We are thrilled to be working with Amazix and Renowned & Co. Amazix is very well known in the Crypto space and will be helping us manage our amazing communities. Renowned & Co. is a professional blockchain and cryptocurrency marketing consultancy specializing in ICOs and token sales. We are excited to take our marketing efforts to the next level with their help.

Testnet is Live!

As promised and on schedule, our testnet is live! We’ve already reached our goal of being able to handle 1,300 transactions per second so we’re very confident in being able to launch the mainnet shortly after the token sale. We’ve been running extended load tests on it, processing as many transactions in one week as Ethereum has done in it’s entire existence. If you are interested in trying it out, message an admin on Telegram and we’ll get yousetup.

Join the Official Korean GoChain Telegram!

We are excited to take this step! Now all of our Korean supporters can have a place to talk easily and grow within this new community!

Join Now!

Did You Miss This?

“Ever since, GoChain is introduced, it has become the talk of the town. Where some are calling it an Ethereum killer, some believe it have enough potential to make a curve in the crypto space. Whatever is people’s opinion about it, one thing is sure that this project is throwing challenge to Ethereum itself.” Read more at ICO Token News!

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Join our Telegram group to join the movement!

