Decentralized Professional Network MBYS Partners with GoChain for ICO

2 min readOct 1, 2018


The GoChain team is excited to introduce our latest dApp and ICO partner, MBYS — a decentralized professional network. Their Mutual Exchange Service Hash (MESH) Token Protocol gives the user direct control over their data and democratizes the collection and sale of data to companies seeking talent. MBYS will be holding their ICO on GoChain, as well as directing a percentage of MESH Token sales through the use of GO Tokens.

MBYS is a decentralized talent network for the modern professional. Currently, the standard for people seeking employment or a way to connect with colleagues is to create a LinkedIn profile. The unfortunate reality, however, is that these profiles are sold to third parties and also have their public data scraped by advertisers and other nefarious groups. Many LinkedIn users also admit to proactively adding people they do not have a real relationship with, contributing to the rampant depersonalization social media is known for. And on the job recruiter’s end, the profiles they buy access to are often inactive or untruthful, effectively making the hiring process a cost center for the business.

At GoChain we believe one of the most promising benefits of blockchain is the ability to give people back control and ownership of their personal data and information online. Today even our professional data, such as LinkedIn profiles, are sold to companies without our consent for billions every year.

“We are excited to partner with GoChain’s platform, because its high speed and low transaction costs make it perfect to run a decentralized application such as MBYS with a high volume of transactions. MBYS wants to be the first platform that allows people to be incentivized for meeting people, and GoChain shares our vision of trying to reverse depersonalization in social media.”

— Omar Zaki, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

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