Top programming languages to choose from

Zahidd H Javaali
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2018

Stack Overflow, one of the the largest, online communities for developers, polled over 1 lakh of its developer base in over 180 countries early this year. According to their survey, here are the programming languages that rule the marquee today. When you are in doubt on what language to choose, perhaps this list might help.


This programming language from the venerable Google goes way back to 2009, and yet, it topped the list this year. It’s an open-source medium that is used by the biggies of the tech world like Netflix, SoundCloud and Dropbox. Need we say more?

Ruby (on Rails)

This tool is perfect for crafting web applications. The biggest use of this programming language is that you can develop a program in the shortest possible time. It relies on the KISS principle — Keep It Simple Stupid. With such razor-sharp clarity and extreme simplicity, Ruby is no wonder the language of choice for many around the world.


If you are an Apple buff, this language is for you. Pray why? Because this took works only in the iPhone, Mac and Apple Watch ecosystem. There is always this question being asked online whether one should opt for Ruby Motion or Objective-C. If you are starting out as a developer, Objective-C is what you should pick without a doubt.


If you are into programming and haven’t heard of C#, perhaps you should change your line of learning. And if you have, then C# needs no introduction. It’s one of the most prominent programming languages used by developers worldwide. Creating native apps for Microsoft cannot happen without this nifty tool.


This is one of the most lucrative languages in the programming space. If you use Google, Dropbox, Reddit and YouTube, Python is the tool that is in full display on those platforms. Be it data analytics, online development, program automation or numerical calculations, Python makes them all happen under one all-encompassing programming umbrella.


This tool works across platforms, which is why it’s perfect for financial institutions, particularly banking firms. No wonder, it’s the programming language of choice for developers and employers alike.


This is another programming language made to order for the Apple ecosystem, be it tvOS, iOS, MacOS or watchOS. It’s where you can invest your time and money, and see it grow over time as you take it up as a career. As the name suggests, it’s all about speeding up things to make the user interface work far more quickly, efficiently and smoothly.


Although this is last on the list, don’t underestimate its power. If present trends are any indication, this could be the programming language of choice for all Android apps in the near future. Right now, Kotlin is the tool to use for its smooth compatibility with Java and easier syntax. What’s helping this product from JetBrains is Google’s endorsement of it. No wonder, Kotlin is here to stay. Learning this programming language will keep you employable until Google keeps laying its Android machinery over it.

Originally published at Gocheck App.



Zahidd H Javaali

Editorial maestro and strategic content marketer.