
Published in
27 min readJul 4, 2017

English follows Japanese

現在のアクセスの事務局長であるSayo Nodaさんがフィリピンでのボランティア活動に携わることは偶然でした。21歳の時からアクセスのボランティアとして日本とフィリピンを行ったり来たりしながらフィリピン人を援助してきました。彼女は日本の青年たちを鼓舞しながら、14年間の間にその美しい国、フィリピンで受けた経験やストーリーをみんなとシェアしたいと願っています。

































執筆者: Johnna Slaby, Social Media Manager at Gochiso


Gochisoレストランの予約は www.gochiso.jp

Sayo Noda

It was by chance how the current director of ACCESS, Sayo Noda, got involved with the change happening in the Philippians. With her life suddenly switching gears from the time of 21 , she has been going back and forth from the Philippians assisting the locals through her charity in Kyoto. She hopes to inspire the youth of Japan to help others that are in less fortunate situations and to share the stories she has of a beautiful people from a beautiful country.

What started you on the path of becoming involved with ACCESS?

It’s quite a funny story actually. When I entered university, I got the idea in my head that I wanted to volunteer somewhere and ACCESS just happened to be the closest group in the area. I didn’t get involved right away, but it became a real issue to me after I watched a movie about the current situation there called . I instantly wanted to do something, but wasn’t sure what. Even if I was unsure of how I could be of help, I decided to go to ACCESS and ask about volunteering. It just so happened that they had openings during that time. I joined and the rest is history.

Did it take long after volunteering to go, and was the country like how you imagined it to be?

I did a lot of teaching about the Philippines at various middle schools around the Kansai area, but I didn’t actually have first-hand experience of the situation at that point. It dawned on me after a while that it doesn’t make sense to talk about it if I haven’t been there before. I decided to go and see what life was like over there ()years ago and things accelerated after I stepped off the plane.

It must make things clearer to experience things first hand! What are other things you realized and observed after living there?

The situation was unlike anything I’ve seen before. The houses were terribly small. I could not imagine how a whole family of five could live in a place so tiny. I found out that the members of the family take turns sleeping. When the father comes home, he sleeps and the mother leaves and sells goods on the street, for example.

I was surprised when I saw people living like that, but was even more surprised to see that despite their circumstances, the people were welcoming and bright. From what I had imagined and seen in the movies, I had thought that the feelings I would get would be that of hopelessness — but no! The people were powerful and strong.

Life in the Philippines started to seem more similar to the feelings back at home: when going through tough times, you cry. When someone cracks a joke, you laugh. When there is a birthday to celebrate, gets up and parties. What I discovered was that we are all the same on the inside.

During our chat about her charity, I could feel the love for the country and her passion for the path she is on. She explained to me that she lived in the Philippians for two years and during that time she made many friends and had positive experiences. However, it was when a fire broke out in the slum, she faced feelings of doubt.

In the beginning when I went to go live in the Philippines, I went with the intention of taking my knowledge and know-how from the “advanced” country I came from to share with them. When I arrived, however, I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t point out where I was on a map, I couldn’t get on a train by myself, it was hard to even cook a meal! I was supposed to come to be of use, but the people ended up educating me.

It was hard to find my place in the beginning, but I decided that since I was able to speak Japanese I would find a job where I could use my language. I became a guide to the Japanese people that came and visited. I wrote pamphlets, explained what I knew about the Philippians to them, and showed them around.

It was only when I started to feel comfortable that a fire broke out in the slums where most of my friends lived. In the middle of the night in a matter of hours, 300 families became homeless. It was just a horrible sight. Those small houses that they took turns living in, gone. The only clothes and school materials that they had also burned.

The feeling of helplessness came back instantly, and I racked my brain wondering what I could do to help my friends in this situation. I thought about preparing meals for the people that lost their homes, but I had never attempted making food for hundreds of people before. The enormity of the situation was too real.

I called my boyfriend at the time(now my husband) here in Japan and vented to him about about the ordeal and how I felt like I could not do anything to help.

“Of course you can’t do anything! What just one person can accomplish in this situation is very small, but you have to stop thinking of the whole picture and focus on what you can do for these people”.

After hearing that, I calmed down and saw a bit of reality. “Right, I don’t have the magic powers to snap my fingers and make it all go away. I can’t fix this problem all by myself so I shouldn’t be thinking about trying to do everything but focus on the one thing I can do.”

And that was Japanese. I found a translator and I recorded and documented the words of the people. I arranged it all and after I translated it into Japanese and sent it back to Japan. From those writings we got a tidal wave of donations from the Japanese people that read what I had wrote. With that money I was able to make food for the people that had lost their homes. I was able to buy them clothes and underwear that locals helped hand out. It was a team effort.

I’m not the most talented person in the world, but I was able to utilize my own skills and reach out to the Japanese people. What one person can do is small, but with help from others you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Now 14 years has passed and after conversing with hundreds of people from the slums, the repeating conversation was the wish for their children to go to school. They want to make the futures of their youth better, and she explained to me that without that education it is very difficult to get recognition in the workforce.

When you go to the resorts and restaurants it’s true that most are able to converse in English, but those are the lucky ones that were able to be raised in the school environment. There are still many families that cannot afford to give their children the schooling, and sadly without that you cannot even get a job at a McDonalds.

For those that can only speak Tagalog they are forced to do labor-intensive work, including the woman. Working in the fishing industry or farming can be dangerous, but they have no choice. People also cook snacks and sweets to sell on the street, but it’s incredibly unsteady. You could have a lot of sales one day, and a zero day the next. The same goes for those working on the farms or fishing grounds — if a typhoon comes you cannot work.

With that in mind, we started to think of new jobs that we could create for woman.

With the help from ACCESS, they made ideas for products that the woman in need could profit from, using one of the Philippines main industries: coconuts.

We now have a line of products on ACCESS that the woman in our group help us to create. We have items ranging from bowls to earrings. There are also different kinds of handmade cards that you can send to your family during different holiday seasons. The process of making it starts with shining the coconut and then they shape it into the design that they want.

The profits go directly back to the person that made it, and while we have been able to to sell a lot over the years, we would love to have more sales in the future.

Most of our customers are from Japan, and in Japan with all of the cute items everywhere you look, it can prove to be competitive. Most people don’t buy from brands that they don’t know so we are looking for different ways for exposure.

Do you have different ways people can volunteer at ACCESS? How do you go about the recruitment process?

We do have a process for hiring volunteers as well, depending whether or not there is something specific you would like to do. We have meetings once a week if you would like to come and see what that is like please feel free to get in contact. We always need people for different events that we are holding.

One more thing that we gained a lot of support from was the group tours that we take people on to see for themselves what is going on in the Philippines. It’s a great way to see what we are trying to accomplish without having to feel like you have to join and be a solid member right away. However, I find that most people leave that tour with a new love for the country and want to support in some way when they come back home to Japan.

After speaking to people in this realm, you realize there is so much that just one person can do. She further shared with me her own personal vision for her NPO and herself.

When something goes wrong in the world, most people [like my young self] think that the politicians or people in power are going to be the ones to take care of it. But you have to know that that is not the case at all. I want to share with everyone that there is an ocean full of opportunities and chances you can take.

That life is more than just going to work, make money, and use your hard-earned wages on buying things that think can give you the most happiness. When you become involved in this kind of work, you will see how interesting it actually is. It can change the course of your life.

In a nutshell, people think that the goal of ACCESS is to help people that are in trouble in the Philippines, but that is only one side to it. I want those people that are troubled to hope for a better life, for the volunteers to want to help make that happen, and for them to see that that kind of charity can add so much to your own happiness.

Those are the kind of people I want to connect with and see a growth in Japan. Those that want to take more action. Those that want to make society better, for the Philippines, for Japan, and for the world.

Author: Johnna Slaby, Social Media Manager at Gochiso


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