TELL Japanライフラインの紹介

Published in
23 min readJul 4, 2017
TELL Japan

English follows Japanese


このTELLの指導者である、VICKIE SKORIJIに東京で出会うチャンスがありました。神経心理学のバックラウンドがあり、リハビリテーションも専門的に大学で勉強されました。卒業後に、香港で活動をして、その数年後に日本に住む事になりました。













すぐに繋がる、かけやすいライフラインで、あなたのために時間をかけてゆっくり聞いてくれる人と話をして問題を解決することを手伝う。しかし、一回の電話で問題を解決することはできない場合はどうしますか?英語でそのサビースはある? おすすめされたカウンセラーは然るべき証明書を持ってる?免許を持っているかどうか?そのカウンセラーのスタイルはあなたの状況に対応できるのか? すぐに答えられない問題がたくさんありました。その必要性からTELLが生まれました。









前からずっとしたいと思っていたのは、24時間の提供をすることです。現在は時間が決まっているので夜はラインが繋がらない状況です。 電話がかかってきても、朝まで待ってくださいと言わないといけないのでボランティアスタッフと電話してくれた人、お互いにすごくストレスになります。夜中と早朝は人間が一番精神的に弱い時間なので、次の朝まで、この人が待ってくれるかどうかという疑問が出てきます。















執筆者: Johnna Slaby, Social Media Manager at Gochiso


TELL Japan

“We started in 1973, after seeing the work Inochi no Denwa started doing the year before. There was so much of a need in Japan for this lifeline to start.”

I was excited to meet Vickie Skoriji, the director of TELL Lifeline in Tokyo. With a background in neuropsychology and rehabilitation settings, her expertise brought her to Hong Kong and found herself in Japan years later.

Suicide and mental issues have always been large topic in Japan that most try to ignore and brush under the rug. Naturally, it’s a terribly difficult problem to approach and beginning a discussion on it can make many uncomfortable. We would like to start that conversation, however, and to change it to a talk that is not only necessary, but one that can birth a positive change.

The lifeline has been available to many for decades, and yet raising funds is still a challenge. Because TELL supports a cause that hits home with so many of us, slowly but surely it will grow into an even bigger community of people that will continuously fight to spread the word.

How exactly did TELL come about? During our meeting at the head branch of TELL in Tokyo, Vickie gave me a rundown of the background of the organization.

In the mid-60s when there was no internet and hard to find a place to go to for help, the lifelines slowly started to evolve after people realized the dire need for them in Japan. Inochi no Denwa became available in 1972 to help the Japanese populous with the social issues they were battling. Funnily enough, they discovered that a good portion of people dialing in were foreigners, particularly in the Tokyo area. The organization catered to everyone as best as they good, all the while churches started to notice the work being done with the life line. Missionaries started TELL roughly forty years ago, helping to cater to the ever-growing foreign crowd in Japan.

In the pre-Google days of 1973, it was almost near impossible to find information on anything in any language other than Japanese. The beginning calls at TELL were information based questions, with people requesting advice on the best doctors for English-speakers to go to or recommended lawyers to help with a case.

TELL is mainly a hotline, but it doesn’t stop there. Gradually they added more personal programs and ways to get help. I wanted to know what where the events that set TELL on the trail for where it is now.

Around 1990, we were getting a great number of calls from foreigners wanting something more than the lifeline: face-to-face counseling. With the lifeline, it was simple — wait for your call to connect and you instantly have a safe ear to listen to help you find the resources you need to fix your crisis. But what if you needed something more? And what was available in English? There were so many other variables to look at such as, who was checking the credentials of the counselors that advertised themselves? Were they licensed professionals? How did you know that their style of counseling would be effective for your situation? It was a plethora of questions that could not be answered right away. That’s where TELL counseling started. It grew out of the need.

The need was and is very real. It’s proving to be a challenge to battle the idea that mental health is still an issue to be left on the shelf. In this world where a young person takes their life every two minutes, the question arises, how real does it need to get?

One in four people struggle with mental health. It’s one of those things that you can’t think yourself out of. Although it’s not something we can physically see, it’s something that needs to be taken with the same seriousness as someone with cancer. The way we treat the two are very different, but both can be fatal.

But why is it an issue not talked about yet? What is getting in the way of people getting the help they need and things have improved or changed since they started?

When I first started in TELL, there was no discussion about mental issues. It was just the way it always was, the samurai way. That you have to GAMAN and just think your way out of your depression. It was only in the last fifteen years that the government started to build a mental health structure. The suicide rate has gone down from 33,000 to 21,000 during that time, so there is progress — but there is still a ways to go. There are discussions, but I want to see more action.

The way the site and lifeline is set up makes it easy for anyone to have instant access to the help they need. With the years and years of experience under their belt, the team is ready and prepared to take your call. It’s a cause that each person in the office feels deeply about.

Our mission is to just be there to support you. You don’t have to make an appointment, and you don’t have to tell us your name. Everything is confidential and safe. For those that would use our services in the future, you have to know that each person on the line cares deeply and is willing to help you see your troubles through.

Although they have been operating since 1973, there is still so much to get done. Does TELL have any goals you would like to share?

One of the things that we are hoping to do is to go 24-hours. Currently, it isn’t running past a certain time, so at night we need to close that line down. You have to tell people to hang on and it is very stressful for both our volunteers and callers. Late at night and the early hours of the morning is when people tend to be more vulnerable, and you can’t help but ask yourself, will this person make it until I talk to them next.

Also, we have a small office in Kansai, but we would really like to get the word out there more. When we went to Kansai two years ago, what we felt from the people is that they are just as desperate. When you get out of Tokyo, help for the foreign community is so scarce. Who is looking after them? How do we expand to different parts of Japan? That is one of the challenges that we have facing us constantly.

She explained that though the number of Japanese people taking their own lives is high, the number of foreigners also is a staggering number of 300–400 people each year.

People don’t want to accept or start to look at mental health as an issue because it is something that is hard to identify. With these numbers though, we can not pretend that still can be ignored.

They have been a very close-knit team that has been consistently helping the foreign crowd, and are always looking for more people to join their team.

One of the first things that you learn when going through the training is that it’s not just about speaking to people, but learning how to listen.

We are not good listeners anymore. We want our speech to outshine any others in the room, and we forget that half of connecting with people is to listen. We choose to filter out negative stores that people share, and the second it starts to feel uncomfortable we bail on the conversation.

It’s not necessary for you to have a counseling background to join our team. We are looking for people in all walks of life. You can be a house wife, working in government departments, hospital settings, et cetera. It does, however, take a long time to learn the skills and resources. When you go on that line, you need to be familiar with a large range of topics. It’s challenging, but with this education you will gain life skills that you can apply to all fields.

With a lot of people in need, it is understandable that a lot of the conversation would go to more serious topics on a daily basis, but it isn’t always heavy! They try to balance it with a lot of fun, and have a different fundraisers to get the word out about TELL.

We love to have band nights, quizzes and trivia at different events to raise awareness and funds. It’s for a very important cause, but at our events we always have a great time. We have to have fun sometimes!

We want to let people know that you don’t have to be a phone counselor, but we are looking for people to spread the word in any way that they can. Even if it’s a conversation, you could create a chain reaction.

Be the change you would like to see in the world. There is much to be done, externally and internally. If you would like to be apart of the movement, start it with a conversation and see where it goes from there. There is so many different ways to make a difference, and feel free reach out if you would like to help us with the change we are trying to make.

Author: Johnna Slaby, Social Media Manager at Gochiso

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