Testimonies of Answered Prayers

Some time back I used to think that GOD would be happy if I took very many minutes talking with him.But now GOD THE FATHER and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST have revealed to me that what matters is not the length of the prayer but the quality of the prayer.Thus CHRIST JESUS encourages us to be completely focused unto HIS FATHER through HIM when praying.He expects us to do the following when/before praying:

  • Estimate how long we would be conversing with THE HOLY FATHER and as much as is within our abilities keep the time we have set with OUR CREATOR.
  • Find a quiet place preferably one where we can be away from the normal worldly business and leisure activities.
  • Switch Off our electronic devices:Mobile phones,Radios,Computers,Videos and Television sets as a proof of our high esteem/honor of THE MOST HIGH(Daniel 7:18,22,27) and THE HOLY ONE AND THE JUST(Acts 3:14).
  • To make only promises that we would fulfill.On this matter he reminds us that THE HEARER OF PRAYERS(Psalm 65:1–2) says in his word that obedience is better than sacrifice thus it is to our advantage if we could make few promises that we would act on than making many promises with unfulfilled obligations on our part as the petitioners before GOD.
  • To speak slowly while taking time to listen to HIS still small voice from heaven by HIS SPIRIT(Matthew 10:20;1Corinthians 15:45;John 14:16–18,23).
  • To approach his glorious throne with lots of humility.We should use our normal voice(s) and thus we should not use ‘’artificial voice(s)’’ (do not struggle to use unnatural voice).When one is in his/her closet one can readily KNEEL DOWN(Psalm 95:6) and/or PROSTRATE(Revelation 5:14) before HIM WHO SITS ON THE THRONE AND WHO LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER(Revelation 4:2,3,9,10;Revelation 5:1,7,13)and THE LAMB JESUS CHRIST(Revelation 5:6,8,12,13).Kneeling or prostrating is a sign of humility and a sign that indeed we are lacking in many things and our only help is from GOD! We should confess(Proverbs 28:13;1John 1:9) and repent(Acts 3:19;Acts 2:38) of all our iniquities, transgressions and sins in the name of OUR HIGH PRIEST AND MEDIATOR JESUS CHRIST.
  • To absolutely TRUST(Jeremiah 32:17,27;Matthew 19:26;Luke 18:27;Mark 10:27)THE KING ETERNAL INVINCIBLE IMMORTAL OMNISCIENT THE ONLY WISE GOD(1Timothy 1:17) and THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS(Revelation 19:16).Supposing I am not feeling well and I make a prayer unto GOD in CHRIST’s name totally surrendering unto THE LORD and absolutely having faith that GOD is more than able to heal me there is every likelihood OUR GOD shall heal me.Again if I exhibit some level of doubt my prayer shall not be answered immediately(James 1:6)!

There was this time that:

  1. I climbed into a ferry and I remember praying unto GOD a prayer I can say that was one coming from deep my soul and CHRIST JESUS gave me inner peace(John 14:27).
  2. Our country was having some instability after elections and I remember that not only I but my colleague citizens made very earnest prayers and indeed GOD answered our prayers(Matthew 7:7–8).
  3. You met bad people and you whispered a passionate prayer unto GOD who answered immediately giving you protection and security from the evil people(Psalm 91:14–15).
  4. You got an accident and you saw people injured/wounded and even others on the brink of breathing their last and yet GOD saved you and others!
  5. You had lost your job and THE HOLY FATHER(John 17:11) through CHRIST JESUS(John 14:13–14) was able to meet all your basic needs and even gave you another job within a short time.
  6. Your business was doing badly and you were thinking of closing it but miraculously you prayed and GOD through OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST re-energised your organization providing the necessary capital and other resources to enable you re-start the business again which earlier on was almost being closed.
  7. Your prayers were answered and you met Miss Right and the time came for you to meet her parents who asked for a big bridal price(dowry).You almost said quits but miraculously GOD through THE LORD OF THE SABBATH intervened and now both of you are a family!
  8. You had not paid your mortgage/rent over a long period of time and the mortgage company/landlord/landlady was about to auction your belongings and/or sue you in court.But THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY(Genesis 17:1) through THE MIGHTY GOD(Isaiah 9:6) intervened providing you with the required outstanding mortgage/rent monies.
  9. Your car stalled in the middle of a very deserted place and you were alone and THE HOLY FATHER through THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD(John 1:9;John 8:12) sent you a good samaritan who helped you to continue with your journey!
  10. You fell sick at night while being alone and GOD through CHRIST JESUS healed you(Isaiah 53:5;1Peter 2:24;Psalm 103:3) by sending a neighbour who took you to a nearby hospital.
  11. There was a stampede in a social place at night and some rogue men wanted to abduct you but YEHOVAH ART THE MOST HIGH(Psalm 83:18) through THE GOOD SHEPHERD(John 10:11,14) made their plans not to come true by confusing them and enabling you to find your way home safely.You covenanted with GOD never to go to social places at night!
  12. There was a powerful earthquake and you saw buildings falling helter skelter and people crying and running here and there asking for help.You remember praying sincere prayers unto THE HEARER OF PRAYERS in OUR HIGH PRIEST JESUS CHRIST’S name (Hebrews 4:14–16)and the tremors stopped and every thing became quiet and and there was normalcy implying your prayers were answered.
  13. Your beloved one died and for a number of hours you could not come into terms that he/she was actually no longer alive.Then you whispered a silent prayer unto THE MOST HIGH in THE SON OF MAN’S name(Daniel 7:13–14) and he gave you tranquility and peace that you could not get from any one else.You felt that your burden had been lifted by THE LORD YOUR GOD(Ezekiel 20:20).GOD by HIS SPIRIT encouraged you that in the resurrection day all who died in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST shall be resurrected and they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven where there would be no death,sorrow,anguish or pain for the former things shall have passed away(Revelation 21:4;1Thessalonians 4:13–18;1Corinthians 15:51–57).
  14. You had some serious quarreling with your spouse you wounded her and made her to pack her belongings and leave for her paternal home.For quite some days you tried to call her and her number could not go through.You were overburdened with the work of caring of your school going children aged 6 years and 13 years.You remember having to leave work early to meet them at home after coming from school before they slept.Then there was this time the young child fell sick and you struggled to take her to hospital in the deep of the night.Then while at the hospital after being given medication she could not eat and she kept saying ‘’where is mummy?’’You who rarely led your family in a devotion and prayer found yourself praying with your family asking GOD in CHRIST JESUS’S name to forgive you of what you had done including injuring your spouse.After a few months your call to your spouse was answered.You arranged with her to meet her parents and the matter of disagreements was resolved and THE HOLY FATHER through THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL answered your prayer- your wife came back!
  15. There was this time you were in your boss’s office.He banged his table and threatened to sack you for not having done a particular assignment.You almost insulted him but THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY(Revelation 21:22) through HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON(John 3:16–19) controlled your anger.You later on completed the assignment and now thanks to THE ALMIGHTY GOD you again are in good terms with your employer.
  16. You remember taking a classmate’s geometrical set without his permission and hiding it in your desk.You ignored his request(s) for one who took the set to return it and he was ready to forgive him/her unconditionally.There was this morning you woke up quite early and you made a prayer unto THE GREAT GOD by OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST(Titus 2:13) that he would enable you not to be punished for unlawfully stealing the geometrical set.Through GOD’s power you returned the set to your school mate and he did not take any action against you but asked you not to repeat the bad act again.
  17. There was this examination that I sat and I failed and I almost gave up continuing with the course but THE CREATOR GOD through THE WISDOM CHRIST JESUS(Ephesians 3:9;1Corinthians 1:24,30;Proverbs 8:22–35) strengthened me to repeat the examination enabling me to pass the failed subjects.
  18. You started a business and you could not get customers/clientele as fast as you could have expected and you almost closed it.Then six months later after you had attended a church service held on the seventh day,Luke 23:46,54–56;Mark 16:1–2;Matthew 28:1;Exodus 20:8–11(saturday) you heard the preacher making a call for ones who desired to be born again to surrender their lives unto THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD(1John 4:15;1John 5:1,5,11,12;John 20:31;John 6:69;John 1:49;Matthew 16:16).You decided to be born again in spirit and water(John 3:3,5) and you got baptized a few days later.You who rarely prayed and rarely studied the WORD OF GOD started praying and fellowshipping with your family members — having prayers together.Exactly seven weeks later your auditor gave your business an unqualified opinion implying your business was now having good returns including a consistent high inflow of customers.You now believe that it was all made possible because of THE LORD OF THE SABBATH and you have promised GOD to continually worship him on a daily basis with your family and neighbours and never to open your business on HIS SABBATH DAYS.
  19. My family member fell sick and we rushed her to hospital wherein she got admitted for a number of days.After feeling better she was discharged.But one week later her illness recurred.We once again took her to hospital and she got bed-ridden in hospital for a few days before being discharged.On reaching home she again developed some allergy to the prescribed medication and her sickness recurred again.This time round together with her we made an earnest prayer before THE MOST HIGH(Daniel 7:18,22,27) in THE HOLY ONE AND THE JUST(Acts 3:14) name and we decided to see a close family doctor.One week later after being examined by the family doctor she got discharged from hospital and was put on some medication for a number of weeks.It never was easy for her to daily partake the strong medication.I kept on encouraging her and we prayed unto THE ALMIGHTY GOD(Genesis 17:1) in THE MIGHTY GOD’S(Isaiah 9:6) name together on several occasions and finally she completed the drug(s) dosage.A number of months heading to a year have elapsed since she completed the medication and we thank THE LORD THE KING OF ISRAEL(Isaiah 44:6) and HIS REDEMEER THE LORD OF HOSTS(Isaiah 44:6) for healing her for the illness has never recurred again!
  20. I fell sick and the doctor prescribed some very strong medication.It was very tough coming to terms to the fact that for quite some time I was now going to be under daily medication.I lost appetite,vomited and had several stomach discomforts besides having on and off fevers for quite some days.I changed my diet and adopted a healthful eating lifestyle.Though having surrendered my life unto THE LORD OF THE SABBATH(Mark 2:27–28; Matthew 12:8;Luke 6:5) a number of years ago on developing this sickness I realized that not even my parents nor spouse could heal me but ONLY THE ONLY TRUE GOD(John 17:3) through HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON(John 3:16,18).The sickness made me to start having regular prayers even with close family members and I too started reading THE WORD OF GOD(Ephesians 6:17;1Peter 1:25;Isaiah 40:8)more frequently than on earlier years.I never missed attending the sabbath church services(held on Saturday) and together with my spouse we got baptized together on surrendering our lives to OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST(Titus 2:13).A number of years have gone by since falling sick and being put on medication and when I look back and see the good health my family and I have had my family and I continually REJOICE unto OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in the name of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Meanwhile let’s pray:

  • Blessing,Glory,Wisdom,Honour,Power,Might be unto you OUR FATHER WHO ARE IN HEAVEN in the name of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST who is worthy to receive Power,Riches,Wisdom,Strength,Honour,Glory and Blessing, we bless you and worship you with all our hearts,minds,souls and strengths acknowledging that none else is to be worshipped in your awesome universe other than you OUR GOD AND KING for ever and ever.Thank you GOD for cleansing us of all our unrighteousness even as we ask for forgiveness of our iniquities and sins in the name of OUR HIGH PRIEST and MEDIATOR JESUS CHRIST.Thank you JEHOVAH ART THE MOST HIGH for having answered all our righteous prayers,supplications and petitions (including:healing the sick;comforting the bereaved families;providing: jobs to earn a living,security,food and water;blessing: the orphans,widows,prisoners,the lame,the blind,the mute,the deaf,the street children and people,the beggars,the pupils the students,the elderly,the clergy,the politicians,the businesspeople,the sportsmen,the sportswomen and all your children and people on earth needing your blessings) according to your HOLY WILL.For we have prayed all these unto you GOD IN ZION WHO HEARS PRAYERS in the name of YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON JESUS CHRIST.



Martin Ongau Mokaya
GOD and HIS SON Worshiped for ever and ever

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.