God Bless You | The Divine Everywhere | Pray Always

The Divine Leaks Out — Everywhere and Every When

Be on the watch for the Divine. It seeks you out.

John Kremer
God Bless You
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020


Invite God into your life today. Let the Divine leak out into everything you do.
Invite God into your life today. Let the Divine leak out into everything you do. (Graphic design by John Kremer)

The Divine leaks out wherever you look — in the trees of the forest, in the fields and the deserts around us, in the city streets and back alleys, in the suburban playgrounds and parks, in the people all around us.

The Divine is in everyone. It leaks out in the peaceful protesters as well as the rioters and looters. It leaks out in the police, the teachers, the doctors, the corner grocery workers, the bus and taxi drivers, and, yes, even in the lawyers and politicians.

The Divine leaks out even in Donald Trump — more often than many of you care to admit.

God bless the USA.

God bless our leaders.

God bless the good and great people around the world.

God bless all of you who read this.

The Divine seeks us all. The Divine leaks out every day. The Divine leaks out every night.

The Divine is within you. The Divine is within me. The Divine, again, is all around.

Watch for the Divine!



John Kremer
God Bless You

I am the author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books and developer of a course on Pinterest Marketing. Find out more about me: BookMarketingBestsellers.com