YAHUAH is 1.Yahusha is His Literal Son.The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of YAHUAH which too is the Spirit of Yahusha.

Martin Ongau Mokaya
GOD is 1 not 3 in 1
13 min readFeb 11, 2020
And to make all men/women see what is the fellowship of the mystery,which from the beginning of the world has been hid in YAHUAH(GOD OUR FATHER),who CREATED ALL THINGS BY YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH(JESUS CHRIST)(Ephesians 3:9)..Photo by Wattpad.com.
By the word of YAHUAH,THE LORD were the heavens MADE;and all the host of them by THE BREATH of his mouth.(Psalm 33:6).Photo by Good vibes gallery.
In the beginning ELOY HIM created the heavens and the earth(Genesis 1:1).Photo by Vihan.
And YAHUAH(GOD THE FATHER) saw every thing that HE HAD MADE,and behold,IT WAS VERY GOOD.And the evening and the morning were the 6th day.(Genesis 1:31)..Photo by Trover.
And Philip said,If you BELIEVE with all your heart,you may.And he answered and said,I BELIEVE THAT YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH(JESUS CHRIST) IS THE SON OF YAHUAH(GOD THE FATHER).And he commanded the chariot to stand still:and THEY WENT DOWN BOTH INTO THE WATER,both Philip and the Eunuch,and HE BAPTIZED him.(Acts 8:37–38) .Photo by Kenrose.
Then Peter said unto them,REPENT,and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH(JESUS CHRIST) for THE REMISSION OF SINS,and you shall RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.For THE PROMISE is unto you and TO YOUR CHILDREN,and to ALL that are afar off,even AS MANY AS YAHUAH,THE LORD GOD SHALL CALL.(Acts 2:38–39)..Photo by Justina.
And I saw heaven opened,and behold a white horse;and he that sat upon it was called FAITHFUL AND TRUE,and IN RIGHTEOUSNESS he does JUDGE and MAKE WAR.(Revelation 19:11).Photo by Midhuna.
Giving THANKS unto YAHUAH,THE FATHER ,who has qualified us to be PARTAKERS OF THE INHERITANCE OF SAINTS IN LIGHT;Who has DELIVERED US from the power of darkness;and has TRANSLATED us INTO THE KINGDOM OF HIS DEAR SON,YAHUSHA: IN WHOM we HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD,even the FORGIVENESS OF SINS.(Colossians 1:12–14).Photo from Bluethumb art gallery.

JESUS CHRIST said unto her,touch me not;for I am not yet ascended to MY FATHER,but go to my brethren,and say unto them,I ascend unto MY FATHER,and YOUR FATHER,and to MY GOD and YOUR GOD.(John 20:17).

And when he had said this,HE BREATHED ON THEM,and said,RECEIVE you THE HOLY SPIRIT.(John 20:22).

And I saw no temple therein:for THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and THE LAMB are the temple of it.(Revelation 21:22).

And the city had no need of the sun,neither the moon to shine in it:for the GLORY of GOD did lighten it,and THE LAMB is the light thereof.(Revelation 21:23).

And he showed me a pure river of water of life,clear as crystal proceeding out of THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB.(Revelation 22:1).

And there shall be no more curse:but THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB shall be in it;and his servants shall serve him.(Revelation 22:3).

And they shall see his face and HIS NAME shall be IN THEIR FOREHEADS.(Revelation 22:4).

And I looked,and lo,A LAMB stood on the mount Sion,and with him an 144,000 HAVING HIS FATHER’S NAME WRITTEN IN THEIR FOREHEADS.(Revelation 14:1).

And I will pray THE FATHER,and he shall give you ANOTHER COMFORTER,that he may abide with you for ever;Even,THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH,whom the world cannot receive,because it sees him not neither knows him;but YOU KNOW HIM,for he DWELLS WITH YOU and SHALL BE IN YOU. I(JESUS CHRIST) shall not leave you comfortless but I(JESUS CHRIST by HIS SPIRIT which too is THE SPIRIT OF GOD,Romans 8:9) will COME TO YOU.(John 14:16–18).

JESUS CHRIST answered and said unto him,If a man/woman loves me,he/she will keep my words;and MY FATHER will love him,and WE(THE FATHER and THE SON by their SPIRIT) WILL COME UNTO HIM/HER AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM/HER.(John 14:23). But you are not in the flesh,but in the Spirit,If so be that THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU.Now,if any man/woman have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST,he/she is none of his.(Romans 8:9). Likewise THE SPIRIT also helps our infirmities:for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:but THE SPIRIT ITSELF makes INTERCESSION for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.And he that searches the hearts knows what is THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT,because he makes INTERCESSION for the saints according to the will of GOD.(Romans 8:26–27). For there is ONE GOD and ONE MEDIATOR between GOD and men/women,THE MAN JESUS CHRIST.(1Timothy 2:5).

Nevertheless I tell you the truth:it is expedient for you that I go away:for if I go not away,THE COMFORTER will not come unto you:but,IF I DEPART,I WILL SEND HIM(THE COMFORTER).(John 16:7).

For what man/woman knows the things of man except the SPIRIT OF MAN/WOMAN which IS IN HIM/HER?even so the things of GOD knows no man/woman,but THE SPIRIT OF GOD.Now we have received,not the spirit of the world,but THE SPIRIT OF GOD,that we might know the things that are freely given to us of GOD.(1Corinthians 2:11–12).

For who has known THE MIND OF THE LORD,that he/she may instruct him?But we HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST.(1Corinthians 2:16). For who has known THE MIND OF THE LORD?or who has been HIS COUNSELOR?(Romans 11:34). Who has directed THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD,or being HIS COUNSELOR has taught him?(Isaiah 40:13). My little children,these things write I unto you,that you sin not.And If any man/woman sin,WE HAVE AN ADVOCATE WITH THE FATHER,JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS.And HE IS THE PROPITIATION FOR OUR SINS:and not for ours only,but also for the sins of the world.(1John 2:1–2).

Searching what,or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHICH WAS IN THEM did signify,when IT testified beforehand the SUFFERINGS of CHRIST,and the GLORY that should follow.(1Peter 1:11). For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer,and THE SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST.(Philippians 1:19). For through him(THE SON OF GOD) we have access by BY ONE SPIRIT unto THE FATHER.(Ephesians 2:18). And because you are sons,GOD has SENT FORTH THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON INTO YOUR HEARTS,crying,Abba,FATHER.(Galatians 4:6).

For it is not you that speak,but THE SPIRIT OF YOUR FATHER which SPEAKS IN YOU.(Matthew 10:20).

O the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of GOD!how UNSEARCHABLE ARE HIS JUDGEMENTS AND HIS WAYS PAST FINDING OUT!(Romans 11:33).

For THE FATHER loves you,because you have loved me(THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD),and have BELIEVED THAT I CAME OUT OF GOD.(John 16:27).

I(THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD) CAME FORTH FROM THE FATHER,and come into the world:again I leave the world,and go to THE FATHER.(John 16:28).

THE LORD(GOD THE FATHER) possessed me(THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) in the beginning of his way,before his works of old.I(THE SON OF GOD) was set up from everlasting,and from the beginning,or ever the earth was.When there were no depths,I(THE SON OF GOD) WAS BROUGHT FORTH;when there were no fountains abounding with water.Before the mountains were settled,before the hills WAS I BROUGHT FORTH:While as yet he had not MADE THE EARTH,nor the fields,nor the highest part of the dust of the world.WHEN HE(GOD) PREPARED THE HEAVENS I(THE SON OF GOD)WAS THERE;when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:When he established the clouds above:when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:When he gave to the sea his decree,that the waters should not pass his commandment:when he appointed the foundations of the earth:Then I(THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD) WAS BY HIM(GOD THE FATHER),AS ONE BROUGHT UP WITH Him and I was daily HIS DELIGHT,rejoicing always before him(THE FATHER).(Proverbs 8:22–30).

Who has ascended up into the heaven,or descended?who has gathered the wind in his/her fists?who has bound the waters in a garment?who has established all the ends of the earth?what is HIS NAME(GOD OUR FATHER),and what is HIS SON’S NAME(JESUS CHRIST),if you know it?(Proverbs 30:4).

For he received from GOD THE FATHER Honor and Glory,when there came such a voice from the excellent glory,THIS IS MY BELOVED SON,IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.(2Peter 1:17). And when JESUS CHRIST ,when he had been BAPTIZED,went straightaway out of the water:and,lo,the heavens were opened unto him,and he saw THE SPIRIT OF GOD descending like a dove,and lighting upon him:And lo a voice from heaven,saying,THIS IS MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.(Matthew 3:16–17). And straightway coming out of the water,he saw the heavens opened,and THE SPIRIT like a dove descending upon him:And there came a voice out of heaven saying,YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON,IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.(Mark 1:10–11). Now when all people were BAPTIZED,it came to pass,that JESUS CHRIST also being BAPTIZED and PRAYING,the heaven was opened,And THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDED IN A BODILY SHAPE LIKE A DOVE upon him,and a voice came from heaven which said,YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON,IN YOU I AM WELL PLEASED.(Luke 3:21–22).

Blessed is the man/woman that hears me(THE SON OF GOD),watching daily at my gates,waiting at the posts of my doors.For whosoever FINDS ME(THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD) FINDS LIFE,and shall obtain favor of THE LORD(GOD THE FATHER)but he/she that sins against me(THE LAMB OF GOD) wrongs his/her own soul:all they that hate me love death.(Proverbs 8:34–36).

And speak unto him,saying,thus speaks THE LORD OF HOSTS,saying,behold the man whose name is THE BRANCH(JESUS CHRIST);and he shall grow out of his place,and he shall BUILD the TEMPLE of THE LORD.Even he shall build the temple of THE LORD;and HE shall BEAR THE GLORY,and he shall sit and RULE upon the throne;and he shall be A PRIEST upon his throne:and THE COUNSEL OF PEACE SHALL BE BETWEEN THEM BOTH(THE FATHER AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST).(Zechariah 6:12–13).

For I am THE LORD YOUR GOD,THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL,YOUR SAVIOR:I gave Egypt for a ransom,Ethiopia and seba for you.(Isaiah 43:3).

You are my witnesses,said THE LORD,and MY SERVANT WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN:that you may know and believe me,and understand that I AM HE:before me THERE IS NO God formed,neither shall there be after me.I,even I,AM THE LORD;and beside me THERE IS NO SAVIOR.(Isaiah 43:10–11).


Fear you not,neither be afraid:have I not told you from that time I declared it?you are even my witnesses.Is there A God beside ME?yea,THERE IS NO God;I know not any.(Isaiah 44:8).

For I AM THE LORD,and there is none else,there is no God beside me:I girded you,though you have not known me.That they may know from the rising of the sun,and from the west,THAT THERE IS NONE BESIDE ME,I AM THE LORD,AND THERE IS NONE ELSE.(Isaiah 45:45–6).

Remember the former things of old:for I AM GOD,and there is NONE ELSE;I AM GOD,and THERE IS NONE LIKE ME.Declaring the end from the beginning,and from the ancient times the things that are not yet done,saying,MY COUNSEL shall STAND,and I WILL DO MY PLEASURE.(Isaiah 46:9–10).

Thus said THE LORD,THE REDEEMER OF ISRAEL,and HIS HOLY ONE,to him man/woman despises,to him whom the nation abhors,to a servant of rulers,kings shall see and arise princes also shall worship,because of THE LORD IS FAITHFUL,and THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL,and he shall chose you.(Isaiah 49:7).

THE GOD OF ABRAHAM,AND OF ISAAC AND OF JACOB,THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS has GLORIFIED HIS SON JESUS CHRIST;whom you delivered up,and denied him in the presence of Pilate,when he was determined to let him go.But you denied THE HOLY ONE AND THE JUST(JESUS CHRIST),and desired a murderer to be granted unto you.And KILLED THE PRINCE OF LIFE(JESUS CHRIST),whom GOD HAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD;whereof you are witnesses.(Acts 3:13–15).

And this is life eternal that they might know thee(you) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and JESUS CHRIST whom thou(you) have sent.(John 17:3).

But to us there is but ONE GOD THE FATHER of whom are all things and we in him and ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST by whom are all things and we by him.(1Corinthians 8:6).

…..Grace to you and Peace from GOD OUR FATHER,and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.(Romans 1:7;Philemon 1:3).

Grace be unto you and Peace,from GOD OUR FATHER,and from THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.(1Corinthians 1:3;2Corinthians 1:2;Ephesians 1:2;Philippians 1:2;Colossians 1:2;1Thessalonians 1:1;2Thessalonians 1:2).

Grace be to you and Peace,from GOD THE FATHER,and from OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.(Galatians 1:3).

Grace,Mercy and Peace from GOD OUR FATHER and JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.(1Timothy 1:2).

…Grace,Mercy and Peace from GOD OUR FATHER and CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.(2Timothy 1:2).

Grace,Mercy and Peace from GOD THE FATHER and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR.(Titus 1:4).

Elect according to the foreknowledge of GOD THE FATHER,through sanctification of THE SPIRIT,unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of JESUS CHRIST:Grace unto you,and Peace be multiplied.Blessed be THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead,To an inheritance incorruptible,and undefiled,and that fades not away,reserved in heaven for you(1Peter 1:2–4).

Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of GOD,and of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.(2Peter 1:2).

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you,that you may have fellowship with us:and truly our fellowship is with THE FATHER,and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.(1John 1:3).

Who is a liar but he/she that denies that JESUS is THE CHRIST?He/She is an antichrist that denies THE FATHER and THE SON.Whosoever denies THE SON has not THE FATHER:(but) he/she that acknowledges THE SON has THE FATHER also.(1John 2:22–23).

Hereby know you THE SPIRIT OF GOD:Every Spirit that confesses that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is of GOD:And every spirit that confesses not that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is not of GOD:and this is that spirit of the antichrist,whereof you have heard it should come;and even now already in the world.(1John 4:2–3).

In this was manifested the love of GOD toward us;because that GOD SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON into the world,that we might live through him.Herein is love,not that we loved GOD,but he loved us and SENT HIS SON,to be the PROPITIATION FOR our sins.(1John 4:9–10).

Whosoever shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD,GOD dwells in him/her,and he/she in GOD.(1jOHN 4:15).

Whosoever believes that JESUS is THE CHRIST is born of GOD:and every one that loves HIM THAT BEGAT(GOD THE FATHER) loves HIM also that IS BEGOTTEN of HIM(THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD).(1John 5:1).

And this the record that GOD has given to us eternal life and this life is in HIS SON.He/She that has THE SON HAS LIFE;and he/she that has not THE SON has not life.(1John 5:11–12).

And we know THE SON OF GOD is come,and has given us an understanding,that we may know HIM THAT IS TRUE(GOD OUR FATHER),and we are in him that is true(1Corinthians 8:6;John 17:3),even in HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.This is THE TRUE GOD,and ETERNAL LIFE.(1John 5:20).

Grace be with you,Mercy and Peace,from GOD THE FATHER and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,THE SON OF THE FATHER IN TRUTH AND LOVE.(2John 1:3).

For there are certain men crept in unawares,who were before of old ordained to this condemnation,ungodly men,turning the grace of GOD into lasciviousness,and DENYING THE ONLY LORD GOD,and OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.(Jude 1:4).

John,to the 7 churches which are in Asia:Grace and Peace,from HIM WHO IS,WHO WAS,and WHO IS TO COME(GOD OUR FATHER);and from THE 7 SPIRITS which are before his throne;And from THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,who is THE FAITHFUL WITNESS,and THE FIRST BEGOTTEN OF THE DEAD,and THE PRINCE OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH.Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in HIS OWN BLOOD.And has made us kings and priests unto GOD OUR FATHER;to him be GLORY and DOMINION for ever and ever.(Revelation 1:4–6).

And immediately I was in the SPIRIT:and behold a throne was set in heaven,and ONE SAT ON THE THRONE.(Revelation 4:2).

And the 4 living creatures had each of them 6 wings about him;and they were full of eyes within:and they rest not day and night saying,HOLY,HOLY,HOLY,LORD GOD ALMIGHTY WHO WAS,IS AND IS TO COME.And when those living creatures give Glory and Honor,and Thanks to HIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE,WHO LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER,the 24 elders FALL DOWN BEFORE HIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE,and WORSHIP HIM THAT LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER,and cast their crowns before the throne,saying,You are WORTHY,O LORD,to receive Glory and Honor and Power:for YOU HAVE CREATED ALL THINGS;and for your pleasure they are and were created.(Revelation 4:8–11).

And I saw on the right hand of HIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE,a book written within and on the backside,sealed with 7 seals.(Revelation 5:1).

And I beheld,and lo,in the midst of the throne and of the 4 living creatures,and in the midst of the elders,stood A LAMB AS IT HAD BEEN SLAIN having 7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 SPIRITS OF GOD sent into all the earth.(Revelation 5:6). And when he(THE LAMB) had taken the book,the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders FELL BEFORE THE LAMB,having every one of them harps,and golden vials full of odors which are the PRAYERS OF SAINTS.And they sung a new song,saying,you are worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof:for YOU WERE SLAIN,and has REDEEMED US TO GOD,by your BLOOD out of every kindred,and tongue,and people and nation;And has made us unto OUR GOD kings and priests:and we shall reign on the earth.(Revelation 5:8–10).

And I beheld,and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders:and the number of them was 10,000 times 10,000 and 1,000s of 1,000s;Saying with a loud voice,WORTHY IS THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN to receive POWER and RICHES and WISDOM and STRENGTH and HONOR and GLORY and BLESSING.(Revelation 5:11–12).

And every creature which is in heaven,and on the earth, and under the earth,and such are in the sea,and all that are in them,heard I saying,BLESSING,and HONOR,and GLORY and POWER be unto HIM THAT SITS UPON THE THRONE and unto THE LAMB for ever and ever.And the 4 living creatures said Amen.And the 24 elders FELL DOWN and WORSHIPED HIM THAT LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER(GOD THE FATHER).(Revelation 5:13–14).

After this,I beheld,and lo,A GREAT MULTITUDE WHICH NO MAN/WOMAN COULD NUMBER of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues ,stood before the throne and THE LAMB,clothed with white robes and palms in their hands:And cried with aloud voice:SALVATION TO OUR GOD WHO SITS UPON THE THRONE AND UNTO THE LAMB.And all the angels stood round about the throne,and about the elders and the 4 living creatures,and FELL BEFORE THE THRONE ON THEIR FACES,and WORSHIPED GOD,Saying,Amen:BLESSING,and GLORY,and WISDOM,and THANKSGIVING,and HONOR,and POWER and MIGHT be unto OUR GOD for ever and ever.(Revelation 5:7–12).

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Can you by searching find out GOD:can you find out THE ALMIGHTY unto perfection?It is as high as heaven:what can you do?deeper than Sheol;what can you know?The measure thereof is longer than the earth,and broader than the sea.(Job 11:7–9).

The secret things belong unto THE LORD OUR GOD:but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever,that we may do all the words of HIS LAW.(Deuteronomy 29:29).

I am the LORD YOUR GOD who brought you out of the land of Egypt,from the house of bondage.You shall have none other gods before me.(Deuteronomy 5:6–7).

I am THE LORD YOUR GOD,who have brought you out of the land of Egypt,out of the house of Bondage.You shall have no other gods before me.(Exodus 20:2–4).



Martin Ongau Mokaya
GOD is 1 not 3 in 1

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.