YAHUAH and YAHUSHA sitted on the Heavenly Throne to be worshipped

Martin Ongau Mokaya
GOD is 1 not 3 in 1
6 min readJan 7, 2021
In the beginning ELOHIYM CREATED the heavens and the earth.(Genesis 1:1).But if you will CONFESS with your mouth THE LORD JESUS CHRIST(YAHUSHA MASHIACH),and shall BELIEVE in your heart that GOD(YAHUAH) HAS RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD,YOU SHALL BE SAVED. For WITH THE HEART man/woman BELIEVES unto RIGHTEOUSNESS,and WITH THE MOUTH,CONFESSION is made unto SALVATION.(Romans 10:9–10).Photo from Pinterest.
But THE LORD(YAHUAH) is THE TRUE GOD,HE IS THE LIVING GOD and AN EVERLASTING KING:at his wrath the earth,shall tremble,and the nations shall not be able to abide at his indignation.Thus shall you say unto them,the gods that have not made heavens and the earth,even they shall perish from the earth,and from these heavens.He has MADE THE EARTH,by his power,he has established the world by his wisdom,and has stretched out the heavens by his discretion.(Jeremiah 10:10–12). And THIS IS THE RECORD,that GOD(YAHUAH) HAS GIVEN US ETERNAL LIFE,and THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON(YAHUSHA). He/She that HAS THE SON HAS LIFE;and he/she that HAS NOT THE SON OF GOD HAS NOT LIFE.(1John 5:11–12).Photo from Pinterest.
Blessed are they that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS,that they may have RIGHT TO THE TREE OF LIFE,and may enter in through the gates into THE NEW JERUSALEM CITY.(Revelation 22:14). And the TEMPLE OF GOD(ELOYHIM) was opened in heaven,and there was seen in his temple,THE ARK OF HIS TESTAMENT,and there were lightnings,and voices,and thunderings,and an earthquake,and great hail.(Revelation 11:19).There was nothing in THE ARK except the 2 TABLES OF STONE,which Moses put there at Horeb,when THE LORD(YAHUAH) MADE A COVENANT with the children of Israel,when they came out of Egypt.(1Kings 8:9).And he(YAHUAH through YAHUSHA) declared unto you HIS COVENANT,which HE COMMANDED YOU TO PERFORM,even 10 COMMANDMENTS;and HE WROTE THEM UPON 2 TABLES OF STONE.(Deuteronomy 4:13).This is THE COVENANT that I WILL MAKE with them after those days,said THE LORD(YAHUAH),I WILL PUT MY LAWS INTO THEIR HEARTS,AND IN THEIR MINDS WILL I WRITE THEM.(Hebrews 10:!6).Photo from Pinterest.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life,clear as crystal proceeding out of THE THRONE OF GOD and of THE LAMB.In the midst of it,and on either side of the river,was there THE TREE OF LIFE,which bore 12 manner of fruits,and yielded her fruit every month;and the leaves of the tree were for THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS.(Revelation 22:1–2). And as they went on their way,they came unto a certain water,and the eunuch said,see,here is water:WHAT DOES HINDER ME TO BE BAPTIZED? And Philip said,If you believes with all your heart,you may.And he answered and said,I BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST(YAHUSHA MASHIACH) IS THE SON OF GOD(YAHUAH). And he commanded the chariot to stand still:and THEY WENT DOWN BOTH INTO THE WATER,both Philip and the eunuch;and HE BAPTIZED HIM.(Acts 8:36–38).Photo from Pinterest.
JESUS/YAHUSHA answered and unto her,If you knew THE GIFT OF GOD/YAHUAH,and who it is that says to you,give me to drink,YOU WOULD HAVE ASKED OF HIM,AND HE WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU LIVING WATER.(John 4:10). For BY HIM(YAHUSHA/JESUS) were ALL THINGS CREATED,that are in heaven,and that are in the earth,visible and invisible,whether there be thrones,or dominions,or principalities or powers:all things WERE CREATED BY HIM and FOR HIM.(Colossians 1:16).Photo from Pinterest.
All things were MADE BY HIM(THE WORD OF GOD/YAHUSHA/JESUS);and without him was not any thing made(John 1:3). JESUS/YAHUSHA answered,Verily,verily,I say unto you,Except a man/woman be BORN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT,he/she cannot ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD(YAHUAH).(John 3:5). Photo by Jose.

To him/her that OVERCOMES will I(CHRIST) grant to SIT WITH ME IN MY THRONE,even as I also OVERCAME,and AM SET DOWN WITH MY FATHER IN HIS THRONE.(Revelation 3:21).

And he showed me a pure river of water of life,clear as crystal proceeding out of THE THRONE OF GOD AND THE LAMB.(Revelation 22:1).

And there shall be no more curse but THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB shall be in it:and his servants shall serve him.(Revelation 22:3).

And HE THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE said,Behold I make all things new:And he said to me,write:for these words are true and faithful.(Revelation 21:5).

And I saw A GREAT WHITE THRONE,and HIM THAT SAT ON IT,from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away:and there was not found a place for them.(Revelation 20:11).

After this I beheld,and lo,a great multitude which no man could number:of all nations,and kindreds,and people,and tongues,STOOD BEFORE THE THRONE,and before THE LAMB,clothed with white robes,and palms in their hands.And cried with a loud voice,saying,SALVATION TO OUR GOD WHO SITS UPON THE THRONE AND UNTO THE LAMB.(Revelation 7:9–10).

And I saw in the right hand of HIM THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE a book written within and on the book side,sealed with 7 seals.(Revelation 5:1).

And every creature which is in heaven,and on the earth,and under the earth,and under the sea,and all that are in them,heard I saying,BLESSING,and HONOR,and GLORY,and POWER,be unto HIM THAT SITS UPON THE THRONE,and unto THE LAMB for ever and ever.(Revelation 5:13–14).

And immediately I was in the spirit:and behold, A THRONE was set in heaven,and ONE THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE.(Revelation 4:2).

And when those beasts give GLORY and HONOR and THANKS to HIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE WHO,LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER, The 24 elders FALL DOWN before HIM THAT SAT UPON THE THRONE,and worship HIM THAT LIVES FOR EVER AND EVER,and cast their crowns before the throne,saying, You are worthy,O LORD,to receive GLORY and HONOR and POWER:for YOU HAVE CREATED ALL THINGS,and for your pleasure they are and were created.(Revelation 4:10–11).

The Spirit of GOD which too is the Spirit of CHRIST being not a being isn’t sitted on the heavenly throne:

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices:and there were 7 LAMPS OF FIRE BURNING BEFORE THE THRONE WHICH ARE THE 7 SPIRITS OF GOD(YAHUAH).(Revelation 4:5).

And I beheld,and lo,in the midst of the throne and of the 4 beasts,and in the midst of the elders,stood A LAMB AS IT HAD BEEN SLAIN,having 7 HORNS AND 7 EYES,WHICH ARE THE 7 SPIRITS OF GOD SENT FORTH INTO ALL THE EARTH.(Revelation 5:6).

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,they were ALL WITH ONE ACCORD in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a RUSHING MIGHTY WIND,and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them CLOVEN TONGUES LIKE AS OF FIRE,and IT SAT upon each of them. And THEY WERE ALL FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT,and began to speak with OTHER TONGUES,as THE SPIRIT gave them utterance.

JESUS(YAHUSHA) said unto him,If a man/woman loves me,he/she will keep my words:and MY FATHER will love him,and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM/HER,AND MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM/HER.(John 14:23).

And I(JESUS/YAHUSHA) will pray THE FATHER,and he shall give you ANOTHER COMFORTER,that he may ABIDE WITH YOU FOR EVER. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH:whom the world cannot receive,because it sees him not,neither knows him:but YOU KNOW HIM:for HE DWELLS WITH YOU,AND SHALL BE IN YOU. I(JESUS/YAHUSHA) shall not leave you comfortless:I(JESUS/YAHUSHA) WILL COME TO YOU.(John 14:16–18).

Can we pray to THE HOLY SPIRIT? Are Prayers to God the father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit scriptural?

And whatsoever you shall ask in my name(YAHUSHA/JESUS),that will I do,that THE FATHER(YAHUAH) may be glorified in THE SON. If you ask any thing in my name(YAHUSHA),I will do it.(John 14:13–14).

JESUS said unto him,I AM THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE;no man comes unto THE FATHER(YAHUAH),but by me.(John 14:6).

After this manner therefore pray you:


Hallowed be your name

Your Kingdom Come,

Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven,

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts,as we forgive those our debtors,

And lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil,

For yours is THE KINGDOM,and THE POWER,and THE GLORY,for ever.Amen.

Only GOD THE FATHER and THE SON OF GOD who are sitted on the heavenly throne are to be blessed,praised and worshipped. Trinitarian theologians err when they say that the Holy Spirit is too to be worshipped; for the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of GOD and the Spirit of CHRIST thus being not a being cannot and should not be worshipped.

Moreover all prayers are to be made to GOD THE FATHER through THE SON OF GOD.The Holy Spirit being the Spirit of GOD and the Spirit of CHRIST cannot and should not be prayed unto.Thus trinitarians err when they pray to God the father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Since the devil has always wanted to be worshipped(Isaiah 14:14;Luke 4:7;Matthew 4:9),the devil is unknowingly worshipped when prayers are made to God the Holy Spirit.Its noteworthy that the terms ‘’God the Son’’ and ‘’God the Holy Spirit’’ are unscriptural and were brought in christendom by the promoters of the unscriptural and unprophetic 3 in 1 Trinity doctrine.

Please visit the link below for word of GOD based inspirations on:Is the Trinity in the Word of GOD?Who or What is the Holy Spirit?

Is GOD and HIS OWN LITERAL SON sitted on the throne pleased when we do not keep the 7th day(evening/sunset Friday to evening/sunset Saturday) holy?

Please prayerfully study the word of GOD based inspirations in the link here below:


For I(THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD/THE WORD OF GOD) testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book,If any man shall add unto these things,GOD shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,GOD shall take away his part out of the Book of life,and out of the Holy city,and from the things which are written in this book.(Revelation 22:18–19).

THE LORD is not slack concerning his promise,as men count slackness;but is LONG-SUFFERING to us-ward,NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH,but THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE.(2Peter 3:9).

Then Peter said unto them,REPENT,and BE BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for THE REMISSION OF SINS,and you shall RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.For THE PROMISE is unto you,and to your children,and to all that are afar off,even as many as THE LORD OUR GOD shall call.(Acts 2:38–39).

To him/her that overcomes will I(YAHUSHA/JESUS/THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD) grant to SIT WITH ME in MY THRONE,even as I also overcame,and am SET DOWN WITH MY FATHER(YAHUAH) IN HIS THRONE.(Revelation 3:21).

And every creature which is in heaven,and on the earth,and under the earth,and such are in the sea,and all that are in them,heard I saying,BLESSING,and HONOUR,and GLORY,and POWER,be unto HIM THAT SITS UPON THE THRONE(YAHUAH),and unto THE LAMB(YAHUSHA) for ever and ever.(Revelation 5:13).



Martin Ongau Mokaya
GOD is 1 not 3 in 1

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.