YAHU’AH in YAHU’SHA’S name desires that we all be born again

And as it is appointed to men/women to die,but after this the judgement, So HAMASHIACH(CHRIST) was once offered to bear the sins of many;and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time unto salvation(Hebrews 9:27–28).
YAHU’AH(THE LORD) is not slack concerning his promise,as some men count slackness;but is long-suffering to us-ward,not willing that any should perish,but that all should come to repentance(2Peter 3:9).Photo by Betty Lemsel.
Say unto them,As I live,said YAHU’AH ALUAYM(THE LORD OUR GOD),I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;but that the wicked turn from his/her way and live:turn you,turn you from your evil ways;for why will you die,O house of Israel?(Ezekiel 33:11).Photo by Damian Markutt.

(a) There are only two things on this earth which are 100% free that is LIFE (breath) and SALVATION which all come from THE HOLY FATHER in HIS OWN SON’S name.

(b) Let’s not postpone the decision to be born again for we know not when: we may have to die or YAHU’SHA (JESUS) comes. Many of our neighbors and friends and family members are no more breathing.

(c) the father of lies fools us to trust the temporary earthly things and fail to prepare ourselves for the eternal glorious everlasting kingdom of YAHU’AH(THE LORD) and YAHU’SHA(JESUS).

(d) there is nothing the father of lies gives for free. Those in his kingdom have to pay for the temporary riches they get from him through sacrifice of their colleague human beings .

Let’s learn to ask ourselves this BIG QUESTIONS:

(1)Why are we still breathing?

(2)Are we better than our neighbors who are dead?

(3)If we die today shall THE FATHER and HIS SON and angels be happy we have completed our race here on earth well and thus are on their glorious side? or shall they be sad that we would be lost eternally ?

(4) What is it are/am you/I holding unto that is preventing you/me from saying "Yes" to YAHU’SHA(JESUS) and thus be reconciled with YAHU’AH (THE LORD)? Why are/am you/I putting my trust in temporary earthly things be they riches,wealth,fame,power,skills, qualifications... et cetera? Shouldn’t I by now have realized that no one who has died has ever gone with his/her riches/fame/power/skills/qualifications to the grave?

(5) Why am I joking with sin,iniquity and transgression? Why am I comfortable continuing to sin? Why am I disobeying THE ALMIGHTY and HIS BELOVED BEGOTTEN SON? Why haven’t I known that the consequences of unrepented: sin,iniquity and transgression is eternal death? Why am I pleasing my friends while displeasing MY MAKER AND MY REDEMEER by repetitively breaking YAHU’AH’S and YAHU’SHA’S holy commandments? Why haven’t I realized that I AM NOT MY OWN but I AM OWNED BY ALUAHYM (GOD) and my whole DUTY ON EARTH IS TO FEAR HIM AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (Ecclesiastes 12:13)? Why haven’t I not realized that LIFE IS VERY SHORT.....why am I postponing the matter of being REUNITED WITH MY MAKER AND MY REDEEMER? Why?Why?Why? am I stubborn and stiff-necked?

(6)Why am I risking getting RIPs(rest in peace) messages when I am dead which are unrecognizable before MY MAKER AND MY REDEMEER because I wouldn’t make it to heaven?

(7) Why am I trusting my clergy to make unrecognizable prayers (when I am dead) before YAHU’AH in YAHU’SHA’S name asking him to remember me in his kingdom and yet personally I never invited MY MAKER AND MY REDEMEER in my life while I was alive?

(8) Why am I behaving as though I am going to live on this earth for ever and ever? Why haven’t I realized that every passing day brings me closer to my death? Why haven’t I realized that every passing day brings us closer to the day that YAHU’AH ALUA’HYM(THE LORD OUR GOD) sends YAHU’SHA HA’MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) to this earth to separate the righteous from the wicked?

(9) Why haven’t I/you realized that investigative judgement(Romans 2:16;Daniel 8:14;2Corinthians 5:10) is continuing in heaven? And that this judgement which is being carried out by THE SON OF MAN(JESUS) is presided by THE ANCIENT OF DAYS(THE LORD OUR GOD)(Daniel 7:9–14;John 5:22–23)?

What is stopping you/me from being born again in spirit and water (John 4:10,14;John 3:3,5;Acts 8:36-38) and thus be able to worship THE HOLY FATHER in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24) and thus have the blessed assurance of having YAHU’SHA (JESUS) as YOUR/MY ADVOCATE(1John 2:1-2) before THE FATHER during the ongoing judgement in heaven? Why haven’t you/I noted that THERE IS NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN THAT WE CAN BE SAVED IN EXCEPT THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST(YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH)(Acts 4:12)?

(10) May we mortal beings know that if we are to be saved it’s because of the GRACE,MERCY AND LOVE OF ALUAHYM (GOD) (Ephesians 2:8–9;Exodus 34:6–7)and that he desires each one of us to saved(John 3:16;2Peter 3:9;Ezekiel 33:11;Ezekiel 18:23). But he has given us choices either to choose eternal life or eternal death (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) ;we stand to live for ever if we accept the cup of salvation.



Martin Ongau Mokaya

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.