God the Programmer: Prologue

The Evening Before God Programmed the World®

When God lost the love of his life

Andrew Cheng
God the Programmer
Published in
7 min readJan 1, 2022


Adapted by the author. Source images by darksouls1 and KELLEPICS on pixabay
This is the beginning of a web novel series. To learn more, click here.- Or go to the table of contents.

Asherah Elat knew her relationship with God was over the moment he opened his mouth that night.

“Did you know there are more parallel dimensions than there are atoms in any given single dimension in all of existence?” God asked.

There he goes again, rattling off some random trivia in a poorly veiled effort to impress her. Admittedly, it had worked during their first couple of dates. Asherah had a thing for smart, nerdy guys.

They were dining at the Cenacle, a bar two blocks south of Pantheon University. This was where God and Asherah had their first date. Asherah felt it’d be an appropriate place to call things off.

“I don’t believe you,” she said, forcing a smile. She figured it’d be nice to humor him one last time.

“You of little faith,” God said, teasing her back.

“How can you possibly know that?”

God leaned back against his chair. “A conscious brain makes 35,000 choices in a given day, and quantum…



Andrew Cheng
God the Programmer

3x top writer, most recently in fiction. Author of God the Programmer. An atheist nostalgic for his Christian days. Slava Ukraini!