Lunar Apothecary: New Moon in Virgo 9/14/23 @ 9:40pmET

Aimee Hanson
Goddess Getaway
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2023

The most beautiful New Moon of the year is here. I love co-creating with the universe during the new moon and .. right here right now, I’m sharing with you how to do just that.

Did you know .. every little thing in our lives that we want, but don’t have yet, is due to us having inner resistance to it!

Good news, La Luna wants us to have our desires, she loves to co-create our reality with us! All we need to do is write our desires down, pen to paper, during the magical window of time (more on that below) each month.

This New Moon in Virgo represents the healer.

New Moon in Virgo Thursday, 9/14 at 6:40pmPT

Virgo keywords: Integrity, Responsibility, Reliability, Being of service *scroll all the way down for lots more keywords —these are helpful for co-creating with this lunation.

First things first, cast your chart at and pull up the “natal with transits” chart — what house does this New Moon in Virgo land for you?

Whatever house it is, this New Moon in Virgo offers you a very big rebirth, inspired by the highly fortunate GRAND EARTH TRINE between Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. This energy is magnificent for breakthroughs, inspiration, fortunate outcomes, excitement and enthusiasm — especially in the house that Virgo sits in your natal chart.

This energy between Virgo, Pluto, Uranus & Jupiter creates a beautiful opportunity for you to experience fortunate outcomes. These are waiting for you to claim them for the next 30 days (until the next new moon) — such good energy!

How do you claim the energy? By choosing it! How do you choose it? By co-creating with the universe — read on, gorgeous soul.

Important to know, my love, the moon needs emotional contact. And when you blend this lunar need with the sign of Virgo, you get a recipe for emotional healing.

My friend Taylor Houston of The Golden Yarrow is very good with recipes, check her out for some special Earth Medicine. She and I collaborate on the Lunar Apothecary but at the moment she is visiting Mayan Ruins in Mexico so let’s send her some ha-cha-cha vibes ~ we’ll hear from her and her herbal recipes for moon magic at the next lunation. I personally can’t wait! Maybe she’ll surprise us with a magical post on her instagram page!

Emotional healing happens to be one of my very favorite topics. I’m an energy healer instructor focusing on helping people expand their boundaries to create more wonderful new beginnings. My Wonder Method classes are ongoing — spend 12 hours with me on zoom or google meet for under $500.00 to learn how to process your own emotions and heal your own issues.

Back to the new moon. Regarding emotional healing in the astrology chart, Chiron specifically shows us where our wound resides.

The house in your astrology chart which Chiron resides is a big clue to your biggest wound. And it ends up that your biggest wound is your greatest gift — of course it is. Chiron is literally the key to open your special door to access your important portal to your healing journey. And the portal to healing always involves your emotions and self care.

Chiron teaches us to value ourself, to truly heal our emotions, we shall embrace the valuable being WE ARE and then teach others how valuable THEY ARE.

We all have to admit where we are able to move forward. There’s no such thing as fairness. There’s no such thing as balance. We’ll never “get there” but .. that’s sort of the point. Life being the journey of legends, and all. Surrender, my love. Trust & Surrender are the way. Easier said than done, I know.

In order to keep the energy of your desires moving forward, reminder to write your New Moon Intentions during the magical 8 hour window, which starts exactly at the time of the new moon every month. Tonights (9/14/23) New Moon is exact at 9:40pm ET. If you can’t get your intentions written during this 8-hour window, because hello, sleep time (I’m a big fan of proper sleep), it’s really a 48-hour window to get your intentions written (but the original 8 hours is most potent, if you can get to it).

I personally am keen to stacking this co-creation game in my favor, so I will be writing my intentions during the 8-hour window. What I have found, since beginning this practice 2 years ago is that this is literally how I create everything in my life.

The ease of tuning into the astro-flavor of the moon, writing my intentions based on this flavor, and then letting go of the push & drive (and the expectation) has been so amazing for me to experience receiving. Its so much fun. I’m glad you’re here to give it a try and if you would like, I would love to know how it’s going. We can alwasy schedule a call to chat a bit about what’s going on for you, my links are below.

Rootin’ for ya,


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energy healing



Aimee Hanson
Goddess Getaway

Writer and Visual Artist. Inspired by cosmic, poetic, romantic and heroic acts of courage.