You’re looking for clues about YOU

Aimee Hanson
Goddess Getaway
Published in
6 min readMay 11, 2020
Aimee offers practical actionable steps to align to correct-for-you energy.

You are here because you are inquiring about yourself. My job is to get you to think deeper about your own energy. Quantum mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration and that everything in the Universe is connected. Particles and waves are scientific truth, it is the universe we live in. What we see is less than 1% of what’s actually present!! Yes, the physical reality is real to us because we can see, touch, taste, hear, & feel things. But we know in our gut that there is something more. We know deep down that there is something more to us than meets the eye. You have a calling to explore more of who you are. Astrology is a look at the planets, which inform our personality, at the time of your birth, imprinting your soul intention.

Who you are is an energetic being. You are vibration, particles and waves, constantly communicating with everything else in the Universe. Out there and in here is a dance of information, and I can help you decode it. My expertise is simplifying what can be complicated (astrology is a language of symbols, which is an ancient divination art) so that you really understand. Ready? Let’s go ..

This is a series of 3 calls for $250, scheduled over a one month period, so you have time to integrate after each call (and not too much time has passed since the last call to keep the conversation relevant and helpful to your evolution) ..

1st call: 60 minutes — I’ll cast your natal chart and walk you through your 12 houses, 12 astrological signs and 10 planets, while highlighting the areas of your chart that offer flow and ease, as well as the areas that are asking you to expand and stretch your boundaries. We’ll get up close to your personal planets and I’ll help you sort out “who you are and what you’re meant to be doing” this lifetime through a deep dive into your Sun, Moon and Lunar Nodes (the Sun & Moon are each 50% of your personality while the nodes speak to our karmic past and future potential — showing your natural gifts and what your soul wants to learn this lifetime. Often people who feel “stuck” are working too much in their south node energy and the remedy can be to do more north node work — I will explain this to you. If you don’t feel stuck, this is still an enlightening and helpful conversation). I will also show you your progressed lunation cycle, which often brings a big breakthrough for my clients, it can be a missing link to the puzzle of “oh, that’s why Ive been feeling this way” — an energetic validation of sorts (for example, if you’ve been business building and not getting traction, check your progressed lunation cycle to see what’s really going on — you may be in a 2.5 year gibbous moon phase which is part of the natural lunar cycle to reflect and release; so you can still, of course, work on your business but at a different cadence and intention. This is helpful to know for anybody, not just business people). We’ll also look at key transits in your natal chart that offer positive potential to you.

2nd call: 45 minutes — this call we will explore a new path to self-discovery with Human Design (also based on your birth data and a map of how you are genetically designed to engage with the world, and how your unique inner-guidance system operates — consciously & unconsciously). What Human Design reveals, is that what we were taught to be true about ourselves .. is usually not at all correct for our energy. I will share practical strategies for decision-making — most of the conflicts that arise and resistance you meet in life, stem from the personality trying to manage your life rather than assuming it’s proper role which is to sit back and enjoy the ride. Our personality, or consciousness, is not aware of our design, or unconscious, which is why knowing how to access your intelligence through strategy & authority allows you to live in harmony with all parts of yourself. Things get easier. When you understand yourself and love yourself, you will know who & what is right for you on the external. Topics of conversation during this call are about your personal type, your strategy (break the habit of comparing yourself to others, so you can enjoy who you are and thrive naturally) and authority (how to make decisions that are correct for you) and your life purpose, what you are meant to be spending 80% of your time on at work, and what your brand and prosperity key are. This is very interesting and I love showing you how your own strategy & authority begin to replace the blind faith that most of us place in any and all authorities outside of ourselves. Bring your questions!

3rd call: 45 minutes — this call we will deepen into an area of your choice, something we discussed previously or, if you would like to deepen into yet another method of understanding yourself, I am a Gene Keys Guide and we can spend this time focusing on your Venus Sequence. The VS is a journey into your connection with other people and your emotions around these connections. This is a fast moving call with a lot to take in, it is an introduction of my longer Venus Sequence Workshop, which is one of my favorite journeys to take people through. If emotions and relationships are of interest to you, as they are for most of us, I encourage you to tune into your specific Gene Keys gifts & shadows so that you may understand your triggers more clearly. The Gene Keys are so beautiful and poetic, revealing, and always optimistic. I highly recommend exploring your emotional triggers as a way to evolve and love yourself more than before. As always, bring your questions.

3 calls, Total Cost: $250.00 🕯 Payment up front: Venmo or Stripe

Here are some other ideas that we can talk about if you prefer not to go into Human Design or the Gene Keys, during call 2 & 3:

Trip planning? Let’s cast your astro-cartography to find the best location for your soul. Have you noticed you tend to feel fine in some locations compared to others? Locations are a compliment to your energy— or not. There’s a reason for this, astro-cartography is a divine sister art that helps us find locations that support our energy. If you want to find the most harmonious location to live or travel — this is a very eye opening and FUN reading. Astro-cartography essentially is laying your astrology chart on the map of the world — this is where we learn if the location we want to be is harmonious (or neutral or not harmonious) for you. Where this gets interesting is, there are temporary (transiting) and permanent (natal) lines and, this means you can plan ahead accordingly! Having a savvy awareness of your permanent and temporary/future astro-cartography lines is an expansive advantage for both relocation and travel. Let’s say you have an exciting permanent Mercury line close to a city you’ve always wanted to travel to. And you want to write a book. And as fate would have it, Uranus is currently transiting over that same city until a year from now. In this scenario, you would want to be aware that a relocation or trip there would have the energy of sudden, unexpected changes, surprising excitement and an air of freedom, possibly creating some discomfort during this temporary transit, and I would advise to hold off on going there until Uranus has moved on. We would then look at location B on your list and see if the energy there is more relaxed and peaceful for your book-writing retreat. Casting your astro-cartography also applies to finding love, creating art, and much more.

Entrepreneur-ing? If you would like to forecast with the business planets of expansion and contraction, Jupiter & Saturn, we can look into the next 12 months to see what energies are available to you as you grow your business.

Relationship building? Know yourself first. Get cozy with Venus, Mars & the Moon. This call is a deeper dive into how you actually discover what your soul wants and then the lunar strategy to manifest it. You can absolutely have the life of your dreams, and sometimes it’s not at all what you thought it would be (and time is often the rub) — this call puts you on track to knowing your own desires.

Follow your curiosity. Let’s make sure that you’re on course with your energetic life force..

At the end of each session I will email you the audio link to our recording with your astrology chart.

xoAimee Hanson

✨ Book by text (or text me to schedule a call): 415–483–5383



Aimee Hanson
Goddess Getaway

Writer and Visual Artist. Inspired by cosmic, poetic, romantic and heroic acts of courage.