An Open Letter

Avijit Sarkar
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2020

A Letter to my team. Being prepared for the worst to come. A technical foresight. The new way of life.

An Empty Kolkata During Lockdown

Hey Guys

I hope you’r all doing good. Just wanted to write to you all and let you know about a few things. How weird it is, just a few weeks back we were in our perfect little world. Comfortable and Safe. Even me and Trijit, were worried about which movie to watch in the weekend and where to eat out. And how suddenly, our whole world changed.

In the coming few months we should be starting to see a lot of changes, As far as I understand, this Virus is not going away completely anytime soon. Humanity will have to evolve into a new way of living. Things like being socially distant and practicing extreme hygiene which was previously considered OCD are going to be the new normal. How people communicate. How sales are done. How films are made. How healthcare is given. How work is done. What is the work. A lot of questions arise.

We might see more outbreaks, wars, poverty, death or what not in the coming days. When economies come crumbling down, the first thing that goes are jobs.

One small example, Boeing cancelled an order for a software worth 160 Cr to a company in france, this company had partnered with another french company for testing of the software, they had in turn partnered up with an Indian company to outsource the testing, this company on the other hand hired people at good salaries for this effort. Hence the effect eventually will come trickling down to the employees. When consumption goes down, every industry eventually gets effected.

Who are most at risk?

Anybody, who does what they do because they are required to do, and not because they love to do it, are at risk.

For example in IT, a major chunk of the Software industry is filled with people who are not interested in software. To them it is a job, like any other. They would do equally good at a CCD or anywhere else.
First to go will be these people.

What we do?

Make ourselves relevant and indispensable. Create value.
Focus on our passion and make value out of it. Sell our passion.

The virus brings to us unseen benefits. We now have the time to self evolve. We do not have the daily distractions. We may have some distractions being in the same house with our family 24x7, but relatively we have more time.
Keep 1 hour a day dedicated to study.

Let us use this time to self improve. This will make us all bullet proof for the coming recession. The knowledge we gain will transfer into us building better products and at faster speed.

How do we survive?

As a tech product company our survival is completely dependent on how we adapt to technology. How fast we find opportunities and score goals.

The pattern to grow and succeed is simple.

1. Find the problem 2. Quickly build the solution 3. Market the solution 4. Keep updating the solution incrementally

The survival of each one of us is dependent on the other. Our team comprises each key element required to finish the above cycle. The faster we keep completing the cycle. The better our chances of survival.

We should start looking at how, we as technocrats can fit ourselves in this economic shift. What can be made to ease the upcoming ways of live. Such should be our questions.

Being a small company, We have to find solutions that are simple and can be built in days and may have some commercial potential

Our Team at Work

On a technical side note

The ever changing landscape of technology has now evolved from simple js apps to frameworks like ionic and f7, furthermore the world now demands stunning looking highly responsive native like apps built in record time. This is where flutter comes in.

On the UI end Adobe XD has emerged to be a key player. Bridging the gap between designers and coders. UI can be drawn and exported to flutter components.

Thus, now is the requirement of developers who understand graphics and UI design.

As well as designers who understand code. To be unbeatable, we have to master Flutter + Adobe XD.

I will not point out to tutorials, there are just too many, but this is the direction I am pointing to technology wise.

Be ready for changes. Be ready to change. Changes are often good eventually.
Remember Together with passion we shall overcome this as well.
This shall pass too.

Stay Safe Stay In

Team and Avifa

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Avijit Sarkar
Editor for

I drink good 🍷. Travel ✈️. Try new things 🏇. Invent stuff otherwise | Founder @Regularli Insta+Twitter+FB:@theavijitsarkar