Enterprise V3 is here

Avijit Sarkar


Here is what is new!

Audit Trails

We now keep a track of all changes made in the account, you can easily go back and figure out any modifications made

All Teams, All Lists

Now select all teams and all lists across the board. Allows you to now easily look at organisation wide reports

Modify Member permission

Only Team Managers/Sub managers with Modify user permission enabled can modify members


Minor bug updates, like the pie chart showing only restricted data

Performance Upgrade

Updated servers for improved performance

GoDial Auto Dialer and CRM on your phone

Marketing vector created by stories — www.freepik.com



Avijit Sarkar
Editor for

I drink good 🍷. Travel ✈️. Try new things 🏇. Invent stuff otherwise | Founder @Regularli Insta+Twitter+FB:@theavijitsarkar