Launch Your Own Call Center in India Using a SIM-Based Auto Dialer

Sourik Das
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2023

The cost of setting up a call centre in India is relatively low compared to other countries. This is one of the key reasons why many international companies are outsourcing their customer support operations to India.

And with the invention of SIM-based Auto dialers, running a call centre has become easier than it was before.

Sim-based auto dialer apps, as the name suggests are smartphone applications that use the phone’s sim card to place calls. The feedbacks of the calls placed and the leads are then managed by a CRM.

The benefits of a Sim based Autodialer for a call centre are :

1. It can be used to make and receive calls without the need for a landline or any cloud telephony setup.

2. It can be used to send and receive text messages easily, most autodialers come with the feature of “Message after call”. Where all you have to do is set up a template and simply click on the send button after every call.

3. The best part about using an autodialer is you do not need to type the numbers every time you need to place a call. Now, this not only gives you the advantage of not having to type the numbers but also rids you of the investment of getting laptops and desktops for your callers. It is a win-win.

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