Why You Need A Mobile CRM In 2022 And Which One To Choose

Sourik Das
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2022

Sales representatives have always been on the go. In the past, they used paper-based methods to keep track of their customer interactions.

This was fine when sales reps were in their offices, but it became a problem when they were out in the field. They needed a way to access their customer information while they were on the go, and that’s where mobile CRMs come in.

A mobile CRM is a customer relationship management software that sales reps can use on their smartphones or tablets.

This type of CRM gives sales reps the ability to view their customer data, make calls, send emails, and track their sales pipeline while they’re away from their desks.

Mobile CRMs are becoming increasingly popular as more and more sales reps are relying on their mobile devices to do their jobs.

In fact, a recent study found that 78% of sales reps say they use their smartphones for work tasks, and 43% of sales reps say they use their smartphones more for work tasks than they did a year ago.

There are a number of reasons why sales reps are using mobile CRMs more and more.

First, mobile devices are becoming more and more powerful.

They’re no longer just for making calls and sending text messages; they’re now mini-computers that can handle a variety of tasks.

Second, mobile CRMs are more affordable than they used to be.

In the past, mobile CRMs were only available to enterprise-level companies with large budgets. But now, there are a number of affordable mobile CRMs on the market that are suitable for small businesses and startups.

Third, mobile CRMs make it easier for sales reps to stay organized.

In the past, sales reps had to remember to update their CRMs when they got back to their desks. But with a mobile CRM, they can update their CRMs in real-time, which makes it easier for them to keep track of their customer interactions.

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