What One Digital Technology Agency Was Doing This January

Michael Grebennikov
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2017
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Monthly Letter about Top News in a Digital Technology Agency

Dear Friend,

This year I start a monthly digest for a select group of people important for Digiteum and me personally — the one you can call Digiteum community — clients, partners, advisors, followers, journalists, future clients.

Why so? I was inspired by the example of Katherine Lazarevich, Digiteum managing partner and co-founder. It’s amazing that she has been crafting a similar digest (issued weekly) to our team since 2010 (OMG, it’s been seven years already!), sharing the most important news and aspirations. For me, it was always fun to read about the success and challenges of our brilliant team and be featured in it from time to time.

Why do I think it’s worth sharing? Because here at Digiteum we create the stuff that actually improves people’s quality of life. It changes the world. It has direct focus. It works for the good.

Well, here are some of the most important Digiteum news from the last month and plans for the nearest future.

Growing Digital Trends 2017: Expert View

Some of you already know that apart from the blog on our own website, we are posting to our publication on Medium. In December, I had a privilege to co-authour Philip Reimann, Eddie Vassallo, Adam Benzecrit, Simon Spyer, Nigel Gatehouse, Roman Gaponenko, and Paul Blundell in formulating predictions for 2017. Thank you, guys, for the great insights! More expert views to come soon, so keep in contact.

Anyone in San Fran This March?

It’s been some time since we warmed up the speaker muscles on Chatbots event we held in Helsinki and introduced this technology on Conduit event in London. Chicago, San Francisco here we go! At the beginning of March I’m attending a startup event in Chicago and also visiting San Francisco.

Dates March 1- 6 in Chicago and March 7–9 in San Fran are open for business meetings and connection. I would greatly appreciate an introduction, if you have relevant contacts in mind there.

Join our Meetup on SmartSourcing on March, 8 in San Fran and let’s brainstorm on How to Make Outsourcing Right.

Will be useful to: anyone from individual entrepreneurs to large companies interested in digital strategy consulting, mobile and web development, IOT and chatbots.

Mobile Apps Developers Are Ready for New Adventures

Our mobile team has created a few iPhone apps for one of our favourite clients, AdoramaPix, a photo printing lab: Hipstametal, aPixPublisher Photo Books (iPad version, to be followed by iPhone soon), and Uploader.

In total, since 2009 we have launched 30+ mobile projects, some featured by AppStore in relevant categories, some had CE mark, some received industry awards.

Two more apps for Oxford University Press has just been added to the Store, but let’s leave the details for the next digest :)

Btw, today Digiteum iOS team is open to take 2–3 more mobile projects. Have any in mind? Contact us today.

Will be useful to: the companies that plan or consider launching a mobile app this year, startups, mobile app projects that need improvement or dev team expanding, companies that experience the urge to add mobile responsivity to their websites.

Pigeons using IoT

Last November in London at IoT World Forum we have been talking about IoT and its influence on digital environment and business we are building today. Imagine my surprise yesterday morning when I found out that pigeons in London already use IoT to collect data on air pollution. Pigeons! Little did I know that market targeting may get so vast and eclectic.

Digitally yours,




Michael Grebennikov

Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Digiteum, a digital technology agency.