Can a solution be to DO more when overvelmed?

Maybe a bold statement, but after working with mental health in students for some time, I think part of the reason so many young people feel unhappy is not because they do too much, but because they DO too little.

2 min readMay 10, 2018


We have an educational systems that rewards knowledge and intellect and social media that gives rewards based on funny, beautiful or insightful content and never forgets failures.

But requiring lots of knowledge to a level where you just understand is not worth a lot. You can read a book and perfectly understand what’s required to be a good project manager or an athlete and get your A’s for that, but without practising, you are not able to perform.

However It’s like we forget to show the young people, that knowing things is only the first step. And since failure has a lot more consequences practising comes at a much higher price.

So they feel (and are) constantly under pressure to a point that sometimes becomes paralysing. These systems are not designed to reward activities that create a sense of belonging, or being a good friend, but it makes them acquiring knowledge and thinking about what looks good instead of what feels good.

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