Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2017


It’s official

Earlier this year we launched Steps. Steps is an app helping people battle social anxiety using principles from exposure therapy. Now we got a very important product development collaboration with The Danish Mental Health Fund.

At Steps we have been working informally with The Danish Mental Health Fund (Psykiatrifonden) for several months. With them, we have discussed both our app, as well as the user experiments we are conducting, to find out how knowledge from the world of professional therapy, could be applied in a digital setting. We have enjoyed the high quality information we have received and always got expert advice, some of which we first truly understood the value from, after conducting tests which failed to meet the advise. ;)

“The Danish Mental Health Fund is working to strengthen mental health and prevent mental illness. We are very committed to developing and spreading new solutions that can reach target groups which the established methods and offers do not reach. Therefore, we are pleased to have a collaboration with Steps, due to the great potential of their product.”
- Chief psychologist Michael Danielsen

The Danish Mental Health Fund are not experts in how mental health can be improved by using digital tools, in fact no one are! That is why it is super exciting, that we now formally have established a collaboration to continue developing our digital tools, build on existing clinical knowledge and together evaluate the outcomes from our increased work and understanding of the field.

It’s official!

