The Call for an Atheist Counterattack Against Christian Nationalism
Eastern Christianity and how conservative Christian politics is more threatening than fundamentalist theology
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks and during the clumsy imperialism of George W. Bush’s neoconservatives in their Iraq War, an atheist movement arose in the West and targeted the most virulent forms anachronistic religion, namely fundamentalism in Islam and Christianity.
Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens engaged in numerous debates with religious apologists, and demonstrated the irrationality of literalistic theologies. Daniel Dennett explained how religion is a natural phenomenon that’s based on cognitive biases.
Rather than having an explicit agenda, this “New Atheist” movement asserted the superiority of liberal secular cultures, and reminded everyone why we should be glad that religious fundamentalism hasn’t held center stage in modern countries since the eighteenth century.
In any case, the New Atheist movement fragmented along political lines as social media technologies nevertheless tribalized those First World populations.
Then came the blight of Donald Trump’s presidency, his potential reelection, and what Freedom House…