The Futility of Arguing About God

And why our descendants will be pantheists

Benjamin Cain
God’s Funeral
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2022


Photo by Pixabay, from Pexels

Apparently, we’re still arguing about whether “God” exists, as we’ve been for over two thousand years. But if we’ll always be arguing about that question, it probably means the question is meaningless, and we’re not really arguing about it at all.

Reason alone won’t decide what you believe about “God.” Instead, this “great debate” between “theists” and “atheists” is an exchange of shibboleths and virtue signals. You signal that you belong to this camp, while I signal that I belong to that one. And we’ll stay in our respective camps, occasionally peak over the trench wall like WWI soldiers, and take pot shots at each other.

If you say reason ought to decide whether “God” exists, you’ve just rigged the game in atheism’s favour because reason objectifies and naturalizes, whereas God is supposed to transcend objects and nature.

And if you say reason isn’t enough, and you’ve got to have faith to believe there’s a deity, you’ve made the debate and the argumentation irrelevant.

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