Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readSep 19, 2023


Ancient Civilizations' Predictions for the Future: A Glimpse into the Prophetic Wisdom of the Past

Throughout history, various ancient civilizations from around the world possessed a deep fascination with the future. Scholars, philosophers, and spiritual leaders of antiquity developed intricate belief systems and prophecies that shed light on their visions of what lay ahead.

From the Mayans and ancient Egyptians to the Chinese and Norse cultures, these civilizations left behind compelling predictions that continue to captivate human curiosity today. Join us on a journey to explore the prophetic wisdom of these remarkable civilizations and gain insight into their perspectives on the future.

1. The Mayans: Complex Calendars and the End of Time

The Mayan civilization, renowned for their advanced understanding of astronomy and mathematics, left behind an intricate system of calendars. The most famous of these is the Long Count Calendar, which ended on December 21, 2012, sparking global fascination and concern. Contrary to misconceptions, the Mayans did not predict the end of the world but rather a significant change or transformation in human existence. Some Mayan prophecies suggest a shift in consciousness, emphasizing the need for ecological awareness and spiritual growth as we navigate through turbulent times.

2. Ancient Egyptians: The Cycle of Ra's Journey and the Afterlife

The ancient Egyptians held a profound belief in the cyclical nature of time. According to their cosmology, the sun god Ra traveled through various stages, representing different ages of humanity. The Egyptians envisioned the ultimate renewal as the continuous rise of the sun god, ushering in periods of prosperity and enlightenment. Furthermore, the complex system of the afterlife and the existence of judgment highlight their emphasis on moral conduct and the everlasting nature of the human spirit.

3. Chinese Culture: Yin and Yang, Harmony, and the Five Elements

In traditional Chinese philosophy, the principle of Yin and Yang, representing duality and the interconnectedness of all things, emerged as the core concept of cosmic balance. Chinese astrologers and scholars utilized the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) to predict future events and understand the harmony between heaven, earth, and humanity. The predictions often focused on social order, natural disasters, and the rise and fall of dynasties, endorsing the importance of living in harmony with the natural world.

4. Norse Mythology: Ragnarök and the Cyclic Nature of Creation

Norse mythology encompassed grand prophecies known as Ragnarök, which foretold the ultimate battle between gods and giants, signaling the end of the current world. However, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it also spoke of subsequent rebirth and renewal. The Norse believed in the cyclical nature of creation, where cycles of destruction would pave the way for new beginnings. These prophecies reflected the Norse worldview, emphasizing the unpredictable yet inevitable nature of change and transformation.

The predictions and prophecies of ancient civilizations have fascinated humanity for centuries. Though ancient societies perceived the future through unique lenses, common threads of cyclical change, consciousness shifts, and the interconnectedness of existence emerge. While some predictions echoed the inevitability of hardship and transformation, many emphasized the importance of maintaining harmony, fostering spiritual growth, and practicing responsible stewardship of the Earth. These insights from civilizations long past remind us of the timeless pursuit of understanding our collective destiny and our role in shaping it.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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