Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readAug 1, 2024


Building with care

Lessons from 1 Corinthians 3:10

“And each one must be careful how he builds.”

The Foundation Matters
In this verse, the apostle Paul reminds us that our actions and words are like bricks in the construction of our lives.

Just as a builder carefully lays each stone to create a solid foundation, we too must be intentional about what we build upon.

1. Purposeful choices
“Everything we do and each word we say either builds or breaks down.”

Our choices matter. Whether it’s a small decision or a significant life event, each one contributes to the structure of our character, relationships, and faith.

When we choose love, kindness, and integrity, we strengthen our foundation. Conversely, negative actions weaken it.

2. Daily progress
“Every day is part of the process of building on our foundation in God.”

Life is a continuous construction project. Each sunrise brings new opportunities to add to our spiritual edifice.

Reading Scripture, praying, and seeking God’s guidance are essential tools. Even during challenging seasons, we can keep building by trusting in His promises.

3. Steadfastness in trials
“Just because we face a tough season does not mean we lose focus.”

Storms will come—illness, loss, disappointment—but our foundation remains unshaken when we anchor it in God.

Instead of crumbling under pressure, we can stand firm, knowing that our faith is being tested and refined.

4. Every moment counts
“Every moment and every action matters, so build with perseverance.”

Whether it’s a smile shared with a stranger, a prayer whispered in solitude, or a choice to forgive, these seemingly small acts contribute to our spiritual structure.

Perseverance ensures that we keep adding to our foundation, even when progress seems slow.

As builders of our own lives, let’s heed Paul’s advice. Be intentional, stay focused, and build with care.

Our foundation in God is worth every effort, and the structure we create will withstand the storms of life.

“Lord, help us build wisely, one brick at a time.”

May this reflection encourage you today.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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