Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
8 min readFeb 11, 2024


Daniel’s prayer life can inspire us today: Pray the secret of Daniel’s unshakable faith

Learn from the biblical hero who faced the king of the jungle and came out victorious, thanks to his powerful prayer life.

Daniel 6:10 tells us that Daniel went into his house, and three times a day he got down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks to his God, as he had done before.

This verse reveals a lot about Daniel’s character and his relationship with God. It also gives us some valuable lessons on how we can pray in times of trouble and uncertainty.

No matter what life brings your way, never forget that God is with you.

Daniel was living in Babylon, a pagan and hostile environment for a faithful Jew. He had been taken captive from his homeland, along with many other Israelites, and forced to serve a foreign king.

He faced many challenges and dangers, such as being thrown into a fiery furnace, interpreting dreams and visions, and being plotted against by his enemies.

Yet, he never forgot that God was with him, and he remained loyal and obedient to him.

Daniel 6:10 shows us that Daniel knew that a new law had been signed by King Darius, which forbade anyone from praying to any god or human except the king for 30 days.

Anyone who violated this law would be thrown into a den of lions. Daniel was aware of the risk, but he did not let it stop him from praying to his God. He trusted that God would protect him and deliver him from any harm.

We may not face the same kind of threats as Daniel did, but we still live in a world that is often hostile to our faith.

We may face persecution, opposition, temptation, or discouragement. We may encounter situations that are beyond our control or understanding.

We may receive bad news that shakes our confidence and hope. How do we respond in such times?

Do we forget that God is with us, or do we remember that he is our refuge and strength?

Daniel’s example teaches us to never forget that God is with us, no matter what life brings our way.

He is the same God who rescued Daniel from the lions, who shut the mouths of the beasts and preserved his life.

He is the same God who promised to never leave us nor forsake us, who is faithful and true. He is the same God who loves us with an everlasting love, who gave his Son for us.

He is the same God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, who works all things for our good.

Daniel had received bad news, but he continued to pray.

Daniel 6:10 also shows us that Daniel did not let the bad news affect his prayer life. He did not panic, complain, or despair.

He did not change his routine or compromise his convictions. He did not seek human help or solutions. He did not give up on God or his promises. He continued to pray, as he had done before.

Daniel’s example teaches us to continue to pray, even when we receive bad news. Prayer is not a last resort, but a first response.

Prayer is not a sign of weakness, but a source of strength. Prayer is not a waste of time, but a way of aligning our will with God’s. Prayer is not a means of escaping reality, but a means of engaging with God.

When we pray, we acknowledge that God is sovereign and in control. We express our dependence on him and our trust in him.

We confess our sins and our needs. We thank him for his grace and his goodness. We praise him for his glory and his greatness.

We ask him for his help and his guidance. We intercede for others and ourselves. We submit to his will and his ways.

Our focus and hope should be in the Lord and not in the news reports.

Daniel 6:10 also shows us that Daniel did not let the news reports distract him from his focus and hope.

He did not let the opinions of others or the circumstances of the world influence his faith and obedience.

He did not let the threats of his enemies or the laws of the land deter him from his devotion and worship.

He did not let the fear of man or the love of self dominate his heart and mind. He kept his focus and hope in the Lord, and in him alone.

Daniel’s example teaches us to keep our focus and hope in the Lord, and not in the news reports.

The news reports can be informative, but they can also be misleading, biased, or sensationalized.

They can inform us of what is happening, but they cannot tell us what God is doing. They can affect our emotions, but they cannot change our reality.

They can influence our perspective, but they cannot determine our destiny.

We should not ignore the news reports, but we should not be obsessed with them either. We should not be ignorant of the world, but we should not be conformed to it either.

We should not be indifferent to the problems, but we should not be overwhelmed by them either. We should not be naive about the dangers, but we should not be afraid of them either.

We should keep our focus and hope in the Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. He is the Redeemer and the Savior of his people.

He is the Judge and the Advocate of the righteous. He is the Father and the Friend of his children. He is the Rock and the Refuge of those who trust in him.

We should take every matter that concerns us and make it a matter of prayer.

Daniel 6:10 also shows us that Daniel did not limit his prayer to certain topics or occasions. He did not pray only for himself or his own needs.

He did not pray only for big issues or urgent requests. He did not pray only when he felt like it or when he had time. He prayed about everything that concerned him, and he prayed regularly and consistently.

Daniel’s example teaches us to take every matter that concerns us and make it a matter of prayer. There is nothing too big or too small for God to handle.

There is nothing too hard or too easy for God to do. There is nothing too important or too trivial for God to care.

There is nothing too personal or too public for God to see. There is nothing too good or too bad for God to use.

We should pray about everything that concerns us, whether it is our health, our family, our work, our ministry, our finances, our relationships, our decisions, our dreams, our fears, our joys, our sorrows, our sins, our struggles, our victories, our defeats, our praises, our petitions, our thanksgivings, our confessions, our intercessions, our supplications, our adorations, our aspirations, our expectations, our frustrations, our disappointments, our hopes, our desires, our plans, our purposes, our goals, our visions, our missions, our passions, our gifts, our talents, our abilities, our opportunities, our challenges, our responsibilities, our duties, our obligations, our rights, our privileges, our freedoms, our limitations, our boundaries, our rules, our laws, our authorities, our leaders, our followers, our friends, our enemies, our neighbors, our strangers, our allies, our adversaries, our partners, our competitors, our supporters, our critics, our fans, our foes, our mentors, our mentees, our teachers, our students, our role models, our role players, our heroes, our villains, our idols, our rivals, our influences, our influencers, our inspirations, our inspirers, our examples, our exemplars, our guides, our followers, our helpers, our hinderers, our encouragers, our discouragers, our comforters, our discomforters, our healers, our hurters, our builders, our destroyers, our makers, our breakers, our givers, our takers, our sharers, our hoarders, our lenders, our borrowers, our spenders, our savers, our investors, our consumers, our producers, our creators, our imitators, our innovators, our inventors, our discoverers, our explorers, our learners, our teachers, our thinkers, our doers, our speakers, our listeners, our writers, our readers, our singers, our listeners, our artists, our viewers, our performers, our audiences, our actors, our spectators, our players, our coaches, our teams, our opponents, our winners, our losers, our achievers, our underachievers, our overachievers, our believers, our unbelievers, our seekers, our finders, our askers, our answerers, our knockers, our openers, our seekers, our finders, our lovers, our haters, our blessers, our cursers, our forgivers, our offenders, our reconcilers, our dividers, our peacemakers, our troublemakers, our uniters, our separators, our joiners, our leavers, our comers, our goers, our stayers, our movers, our leaders, our followers, our servers, our served, our givers, our receivers, our helpers, our helped, our blessers, our blessed, our praisers, our praised, our worshippers, our worshipped, our glorifiers, our glorified, our honorees, our honored, our exalters, our exalted, our lifters, our lifted, our raisers, our raised, our revivers, our revived, our restorers, our restored, our renewers, our renewed, our transformers, our transformed, our changers, our changed, our makers, our made, our creators, our created, our fathers, our children, and everything else that matters to us.

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This verse tells us that we should pray about anything and everything that causes us anxiety, worry, fear, or stress.

We should not keep our problems to ourselves, but bring them to God, who cares for us and knows what is best for us.

We should not only ask for what we want, but also thank him for what he has already done and what he will do.

We should not doubt his power or his love, but trust him with all our hearts and minds. When we do this, we will experience his peace, which is beyond our comprehension and expectation.

His peace will protect us from the attacks of the enemy and the lies of the world. His peace will fill us with joy and hope, even in the midst of trials and troubles.

Daniel’s prayer life can inspire us today to pray like he did. He prayed with faith, obedience, gratitude, and consistency.

He prayed with focus, hope, and courage. He prayed with humility, sincerity, and fervency. He prayed with reverence, awe, and worship.

He prayed with love, devotion, and loyalty. He prayed with everything that he had and everything that he was.

He prayed to the living God, who heard him, answered him, and delivered him. He prayed to the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

He prayed to the God who is our God, and who invites us to pray to him. Let us follow Daniel’s example and pray without ceasing, for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. Amen.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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