Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readAug 22, 2024


Discover the peace and assurance of God

Embrace the hope in Psalm 62:5

Psalm 62:5 offers a profound invitation: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.” This verse is a powerful reminder of where our true rest and hope lie. Let’s explore how this promise can bring peace and confidence to your life.

Designed to find rest in God
You and I are designed to find our rest in God. This means that our souls are naturally inclined to seek peace and comfort in Him.

When we try to find rest in other things—whether it be work, relationships, or material possessions—we often end up feeling more restless and unfulfilled.

True rest comes from aligning our hearts with God’s presence and trusting in His care.

Resting in God while waiting
Psalm 62:5 encourages us to rest in God as we wait for Him to act on our behalf. This kind of rest is not passive but active trust.

It involves surrendering our worries and anxieties to God, believing that He is in control and will work things out for our good.

By resting in Him, we demonstrate our faith in His timing and His plans.

Real hope waits for God
Real hope waits for God to act and doesn’t take matters into its own hands. This means that we rely on God’s wisdom and power rather than our own efforts.

When we place our hope in Him, we acknowledge that He knows what is best for us and will provide in His perfect timing.

This kind of hope is patient and steadfast, rooted in the assurance of God’s faithfulness.

Be expectant and at rest
Psalm 62:5 calls us to be expectant and at rest, letting our hope and expectation be in God. This means living with a sense of anticipation, knowing that God is at work even when we cannot see it.

It also means finding peace in the present moment, trusting that God is with us and will take care of us. By resting in Him, we can experience a deep sense of calm and security.

Embracing God’s rest
Seek Rest in God: Take time each day to connect with God through prayer, meditation, and reading His Word. Let His presence bring peace to your soul.

Trust in His timing: When faced with challenges, remind yourself to wait on God. Trust that He is working behind the scenes and will act on your behalf.

Cultivate real hope: Place your hope in God’s promises rather than your own efforts. Believe that He will provide and guide you in His perfect timing.

Live expectantly: Approach each day with a sense of anticipation, knowing that God is at work. Find peace in the present moment, trusting in His care.

Psalm 62:5 is a powerful reminder of where our true rest and hope lie. It invites us to find rest in God, to trust in His timing, and to place our hope in His promises.

By embracing this truth, we can experience a deep sense of peace and confidence in our daily lives.

Remember, you are designed to find rest in God, and your hope comes from Him.

Let this promise bring you comfort and assurance, knowing that God is with you and will take care of you.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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