Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readMar 31, 2024


Discovering strength in weakness: The Grace of God

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT):

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

These words, penned by the apostle Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians, resonate across time and space.

They offer solace to weary hearts, encouragement to the downtrodden, and hope to those who feel inadequate.

Let us delve into the profound wisdom contained within this verse.

1. Sufficiency in Grace

Life is a journey marked by both triumphs and trials. We encounter joyous mountaintops and treacherous valleys.

In the midst of it all, God’s grace stands unwavering. It is not merely a comforting sentiment; it is our lifeline.

When we face challenges, disappointments, or overwhelming circumstances, His grace is sufficient.

It is the balm that heals our wounds, the strength that carries us forward.

Reflection: Have you ever felt utterly inadequate, wondering how you would endure?

Remember that God’s grace is tailor-made for your weakness. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it is precisely what you need in your unique situation.

2. Power perfected in weakness

Paradoxically, God’s power finds its greatest expression in our weakness.

Our frailties become the canvas upon which His strength paints masterpieces. When we acknowledge our limitations, we create space for His supernatural intervention.

It is in our vulnerability that His power shines brightest. Our brokenness becomes a conduit for His miracles.

Reflection: Consider a time when you felt powerless. Did you witness God’s strength working through you? Perhaps it was a moment of unexpected courage, a surge of compassion, or a breakthrough in adversity.

Recognize that His power is not hindered by your weaknesses; it is magnified by them.

3. Trusting Him in weakness

Our human nature recoils from weakness. We strive to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, and self-made.

Yet, God invites us to a different path—a path of surrender. When we embrace our weakness, we open the door to trust.

We relinquish control and place our confidence in His unwavering love. It is in our surrender that His power becomes our refuge.

Reflection: Are there areas in your life where you resist vulnerability? Take a moment to surrender them to God. Trust that His grace will sustain you, even when your own strength falters.

4. All you need

The promise echoes: “My grace is all you need.” Not just a portion, not merely a supplement—all. In seasons of abundance and scarcity, His grace remains constant.

It is our sustenance, our anchor, our compass. When we seek Him wholeheartedly, we discover that He is indeed all we need. His grace fills the gaps, bridges the chasms, and carries us through every storm.

Reflection: Pause and breathe in His grace. Let go of striving and rest in His sufficiency. In weakness, find strength. In grace, find everything.

As we journey through life, let us cling to these timeless words. When weakness threatens to overwhelm us, may we remember that His grace is our refuge. And in our weakness, His power is perfected.

“For when I am weak, then I am strong.” —2 Corinthians 12:10 (NLT)



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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