Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readApr 15, 2024


“Divine provision: Trusting in the Lord’s way

Genesis 22:8

In the ancient land of Canaan, a father and his son stood atop a desolate hill. The sun bore down upon them, casting long shadows across the rocky terrain.

Abraham, the patriarch, held a heavy burden in his heart—a command from God that seemed impossible to fulfill.

“Take your son, your only son Isaac,” God had said, “and offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will show you.”

Abraham’s heart wrestled with fear and obedience. How could he sacrifice his beloved son, the child of promise?

Yet, he knew that God’s ways were higher, His plans beyond human comprehension. So, with trembling hands, he led Isaac up the mountain, the wood for the offering upon his back.

As they ascended, Isaac’s innocent eyes searched his father’s face. “Father,” he asked, “where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

Abraham’s reply echoed through the ages: “God Himself will provide the lamb, my son.”

In those words, we find profound truths that resonate with us today:

1. Divine provision

Abraham’s unwavering faith rested in the assurance that God would provide. He didn’t know how or when, but he trusted that the Lord would meet their need.

In our own lives, we often face insurmountable challenges—financial struggles, health crises, broken relationships.

Yet, like Abraham, we can cling to the promise that God sees our situation and will provide exactly what is needed.

2. The right thing happens

God’s providence extends beyond mere provision. He orchestrates events to align with His perfect will.

Abraham believed that even in the darkest moments, God would ensure that the right thing happened.

When we encounter seemingly hopeless situations, we can rest in the knowledge that God is at work, weaving a tapestry of redemption.

His timing may not align with ours, but His ways are just and true.

3. Stepping into hopelessness

Abraham’s journey up the mountain mirrored our own struggles. Sometimes life feels like an arduous climb—a barren landscape devoid of answers.

Yet, it is precisely in those moments that God steps in. He doesn’t shy away from our hopelessness; instead, He enters it. When we have exhausted our strength, He provides the solution we couldn’t fathom.

4. The way already made

As Abraham raised the knife, ready to obey God’s command, an angel intervened. A ram caught in a thicket became the sacrificial substitute.

God had already made a way—a hidden path through the wilderness. Likewise, when we feel trapped, when answers elude us, the Lord has already paved a way. We need only trust and follow.

So, dear reader, when life’s mountains loom large, remember Abraham’s words: “God Himself will provide.”

Our faith need not rest in our own understanding but in the One who sees beyond time and circumstance.

The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, became our ultimate sacrifice—the provision that reconciles us to God.

May we, like Abraham, ascend the hills of uncertainty, knowing that the Lord walks beside us. He will provide, and the right thing will happen. Our hopelessness will yield to His solution, and the way will be made clear.

In the shadow of that ancient mountain, faith blossomed—a faith that echoes through generations. For the Lord is our provider, our way maker, and our Redeemer.

Genesis 22:8 remains etched in eternity, a testament to the unwavering trust of a father and the boundless grace of God.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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