Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readApr 8, 2024


“Divine Strength: A Shield for the Journey”

Psalm 18:32:

In the tapestry of life, we often find ourselves navigating through rugged terrains, facing storms, and encountering obstacles that threaten to weaken our resolve.

It’s during these moments that we yearn for strength—a force that transcends mere physical might and permeates the very fabric of our being.

The Verse: Psalm 18:32

“It is God Who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.”

These words resonate like a celestial echo, reminding us that our strength doesn’t originate from self-sufficiency or human prowess. Instead, it flows from a divine source—an unwavering wellspring that sustains us even when our own reserves run dry.

The Paradox of Strength

When We Feel Strong and Secure

Invincibility—that’s the sensation when we stand on solid ground, our hearts fortified by confidence.

In those moments, we believe we can conquer mountains, cross oceans, and withstand any tempest.

Our steps are firm, our gaze unyielding. We are the architects of our destiny.

Yet, even in our mightiest hours, we must recognize that our strength is borrowed. It’s a reflection of the One who breathed life into our bones.

When we feel strong, let us acknowledge the divine hand that steadies us, whispering, “You are not alone.”

When We Feel Weak and Powerless

Vulnerability—a humbling state that strips away illusions of self-sufficiency.

We stumble, our knees buckling under the weight of burdens. The path ahead seems insurmountable, and despair threatens to engulf us. In these moments, we cry out for deliverance.

And here, in the depths of our weakness, God leans down. His touch is gentle yet resolute. He wraps us in His strength, like armor forged in celestial fire. His promise echoes: “Fear not, for I am with you.”

Suddenly, our feeble legs find newfound stability, and our hearts beat with renewed courage.

The Divine Exchange

God doesn’t merely observe our struggles from a distance. No, He desires intimacy—a covenant of empowerment.

He longs to arm us with strength. Imagine it: the Creator of galaxies, the Weaver of constellations, personally fitting us with celestial armor. His strength becomes our shield, deflecting doubt, fear, and adversity.

But there’s more. He doesn’t stop at fortification. He keeps our way secure. Like a celestial GPS, He guides our steps through treacherous valleys and sun-kissed peaks alike.

His presence illuminates the path, revealing hidden pitfalls and unexpected blessings. We walk, not alone, but hand in hand with the Eternal.

The Triumph of Empowerment

When God empowers us, we become more than conquerors. Our abilities transcend human limitations.

We scale walls, break chains, and defy odds. The impossible bends before the One who whispers courage into our souls.

So, dear traveler, when weakness threatens to engulf you, remember this: You are armed with divine strength.

Your journey is secure, for the One who holds the stars also holds your hand. With Him, you have the ability to overcome—not by your might, but by His grace.

May your steps be steady, your heart unshaken, and your spirit ablaze with the promise of Psalm 18:32.

“It is God Who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.”



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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