Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJun 2, 2024


Embracing the divine call

A reflection on Genesis 24:58

In the heart of the biblical narrative, we encounter a moment of profound decision in Genesis 24:58.

The verse captures a pivotal response from Rebekah, a woman who stands at the crossroads of her life.

When asked if she is willing to leave her home and family to embrace a future prepared by God, she answers with a resolute, “Yes, I will go.”

This simple yet powerful affirmation echoes through time, challenging us to consider our own readiness to step into the divine plans laid out for us.

It prompts a reflection on the nature of faith and the willingness to follow a path not fully revealed.

Are you ready?

The question posed to Rebekah is one that resonates with each of us: Are we ready to step into what God has prepared for us?

It’s a question that invites introspection and demands honesty. To be ready is to be prepared in heart and spirit, to have cultivated a disposition of openness to the divine will.

Willingness to follow

To experience all that God has for us, we must be willing to follow Him. This willingness is not passive; it is an active, conscious choice to align our steps with His guidance.

It is to trust in His wisdom, even when the path ahead is shrouded in mystery.

A step or leap of faith

Faith is often described as a journey—a series of steps taken in trust. Sometimes, it requires a step of faith, a gentle stride into the unknown.

Other times, it calls for a leap of faith, a bold jump into the depths of God’s promises. Both are acts of courage, fueled by the belief that God’s plans are good and His presence is a constant companion.

Saying ‘Yes’

The obstacles that hold us back from embracing our divine calling are many. Fear, doubt, and the comfort of the familiar can tether us to the shores of indecision.

Yet, Rebekah’s example beckons us to cast off these restraints and say ‘yes’ to God. It is a ‘yes’ to possibility, to transformation, and to a life lived in the fullness of God’s intention.

Genesis 24:58 is not just a historical account; it is a timeless invitation to trust and embrace the divine call. It encourages us to be ready, willing, and courageous enough to say ‘yes’ to the journey of faith, wherever it may lead.

For in that ‘yes,’ we find the gateway to a life of purpose and the unfolding of God’s grand narrative in our own lives.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

This insightful book is not just a read; it’s an experience that promises to shape the minds and futures of the next generation.

As you turn each page, you’ll uncover the tools and strategies essential for nurturing success in today’s fast-paced world.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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