Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Experiencing God’s goodness

Taste and see

In Psalm 34:8, we encounter a powerful invitation: “O taste and see that the LORD our God is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

This verse encapsulates profound truths about our relationship with God, His character, and the blessings that flow from seeking refuge in Him.

1. The invitation to experience
“O taste and see…”

Imagine standing before a sumptuous feast. The aroma tantalizes your senses, and your mouth waters in anticipation.

God extends a similar invitation to us—not merely to observe from a distance, but to actively engage with Him. He invites us to taste and experience His goodness firsthand.

2. Knowing God’s goodness
“…that the LORD our God is good…”

God’s goodness is not an abstract concept; it’s a reality we can encounter. His goodness encompasses love, kindness, mercy, and faithfulness.

When we seek Him, we discover that His character is unwaveringly good. We taste His goodness through answered prayers, moments of grace, and the beauty of creation.

3. Blessed refuge
“…how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

Taking refuge in God is more than seeking shelter—it’s an act of trust. When life’s storms rage, we find safety in Him.

In our vulnerability, we discover His strength. Blessings flow to those who choose to rest in His embrace, finding solace and security.

4. Favour and kindness
“HE longs for you to know and enjoy His Favour and kindness towards you.”

God’s longing is for us to experience His favor and kindness. As we draw near, we encounter His provision, guidance, and unmerited blessings.

His favor isn’t based on our performance; it’s an overflow of His love. When we taste His kindness, we’re forever changed.

5. Great blessing
“Your trust and reliance on Him bring great blessing into your life.”

Trusting God isn’t a passive act; it’s a deliberate choice. When we rely on Him, we tap into His abundance.

Our lives become conduits for His blessings—spiritual, emotional, and even physical. Great blessing awaits those who anchor their hearts in Him.

6. Hiding in Him
“As you turn to hide yourself in Him, you can expect His grace and Favour.”

Hiding in God isn’t about escape; it’s about intimacy. When we seek refuge in Him, we find grace that sustains us.

His favor rests upon us as we abide in His presence. In the shelter of His love, we discover purpose, healing, and joy.

Psalm 34:8 invites us to taste, see, and experience the goodness of our God.

As we take refuge in Him, we become recipients of His abundant blessings.

So, dear friend, let’s savor His goodness and find our blessed refuge in the One who is eternally good.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8, NIV)

May you encounter His goodness today and always. 🙏🌟

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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