Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Fasting in Islam: A Path to Spiritual Awakening and Forgiveness

In the quiet moments of solitude, when one’s thoughts turn inward, reflecting on the past and present, a profound spiritual state can be reached.

It is in these moments that the essence of fasting, as prescribed in Islam, reveals its true purpose. The act of fasting is not merely an abstention from physical nourishment but a journey towards spiritual enrichment and a deeper connection with the Divine.

The essence of fasting

The prophetic Hadith teaches that fasting serves as a means for the forgiveness of sins for those who sincerely abstain from the things they are required to avoid.

This teaching underscores a fundamental principle of Islam: the development of a special bond with God Almighty.

To discover God as one’s Lord and Creator is to feel a deep association and connection that transcends the material world.

Solitude and reflection

In a state of solitude, as tears may roll down in contemplation of God’s forgiveness, there is a powerful emotional release that aids in the purging of past transgressions.

These tears are not signs of weakness but of strength, symbolizing the heart’s capacity to seek and receive divine mercy.

Rediscovering God’s blessings

Fasting is designed to facilitate a sense of true closeness with God, allowing one to develop a deep emotional bond.

By disconnecting from worldly distractions, one can rediscover the blessings bestowed by God. It is a time to recognize that God is Most Gracious, Most Beneficent, and Most Merciful.

The experience of fasting is thus a transformative one, offering a path to spiritual awakening. It is an opportunity to reflect on one’s life, seek forgiveness, and strengthen the bond with the Creator.

Through fasting, believers are reminded of the essential teachings of Islam and the importance of nurturing a profound relationship with God.

It is a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and ultimately, divine connection.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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