Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJul 19, 2024



Our hiding place and shield

“You are my hiding place and my shield; I put my hope in Your Word.” – Psalm 119:114

In the quiet chambers of our hearts, where fears echo and doubts assail, this verse stands as a refuge—a sanctuary of trust. Let us explore its profound meaning:

1. The hiding place
“You are my hiding place…”

Imagine a storm raging outside, winds howling, rain lashing against the windows. In that moment, you find shelter—a cozy nook where fear dissipates.

God is our hiding place. When life’s tempests threaten to overwhelm us, we retreat into His presence.

Here, we find solace, acceptance, and security. His arms wrap around us, shielding us from the chaos.

2. The shield of faith
“…and my shield…”

A shield deflects arrows, absorbs blows, and guards the vulnerable. God is our shield—the One who stands between us and harm.

When doubts assail, when adversity strikes, His faithfulness shields us. We need not face life’s battles unprotected. His promises form an impenetrable barrier. Fear may knock, but our shield holds firm.

3. Anchoring in His word
“I put my hope in Your Word.”

God’s Word isn’t mere ink on paper; it’s life breathed into syllables. When we anchor our hope there, we tether ourselves to eternity.

His promises become our lifelines. In the pages of Scripture, we find comfort, guidance, and unwavering truth.

When uncertainty looms, we cling to His Word—it becomes our compass, pointing us toward hope.

4. Unfailing love
“He will never let you go and His arms of love surround you.”

God’s love isn’t fleeting; it’s an unbreakable bond. His arms encircle us, cradling our fears. When we stumble, He lifts us.

When we falter, He forgives. His love isn’t conditional; it’s relentless. We need not fear abandonment; His grip is sure. In the embrace of His love, we find courage to face each day.

Psalm 119:114 invites us to dwell in the safety of God’s presence—to seek refuge in His Word, to raise our shields of faith, and to rest in His unwavering love.

So let us echo these words in the quiet of our souls: “You are my hiding place and my shield; I put my hope in Your Word.” May His embrace be our sanctuary, and His promises our anchor.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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