Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJan 19, 2024


God Answers Our Prayers for the Land: Pray for Your Country and See God’s Miracles

Learn from King David’s example of how he prayed for Israel and stopped a deadly plague.

2 Samuel 24:25 says, “And the LORD answered his prayer for the land, and the plague was stopped.”

This verse tells us the story of how King David prayed to God to end a deadly plague that was sent as a punishment for his sin of taking a census of Israel.

God heard David’s prayer, accepted his sacrifice, and stopped the plague from destroying the people. In this article, we will learn how God answers our prayers for the land and what that means for our lives.

What is the land?

The land is the place where God has placed us to live, work, and worship. It is the sphere of our influence, responsibility, and stewardship.

It is the environment that sustains us, nurtures us, and challenges us. It is the community that we belong to, serve, and love. The land is a gift from God, a blessing from God, and a mission from God.

What are the plagues?

The plagues are the troubles, trials, and tribulations that afflict the land. They can be natural, such as droughts, famines, diseases, or disasters.

They can be human, such as wars, violence, oppression, or injustice. They can be spiritual, such as idolatry, immorality, corruption, or deception.

The plagues can harm us, hurt us, and hinder us. They can threaten our peace, joy, and purpose. They can challenge our faith, hope, and love.

How does God answer our prayers for the land?

God answers our prayers for the land by His mercy, grace, and power. He does not ignore our cries, but He listens to our pleas.

He does not abandon us, but He stands with us. He does not forsake us, but He helps us. He intervenes in our situation, delivers us from our enemies, and heals our wounds.

He restores our land, renews our resources, and revives our people. He gives us a new vision, a new direction, and a new future.

Why does God answer our prayers for the land?

God answers our prayers for the land because He loves us, cares for us, and wants the best for us. He does not delight in our suffering, but He desires our salvation.

He does not want us to perish, but He wants us to prosper. He does not want us to be defeated, but He wants us to be victorious.

He answers our prayers for the land so that we can experience His goodness, grace, and glory. He answers our prayers for the land so that we can glorify Him, praise Him, and worship Him.

How should we pray for the land?

When we pray for the land, we should pray with humility, faith, and obedience. We should humble ourselves before God, confess our sins, and repent of our wicked ways.

We should trust God for His promises, believe His word, and expect His miracles. We should obey God in His commands, follow His will, and submit to His authority.

We should also intercede for the land, seek God’s face, and ask for His mercy. We should pray for God’s kingdom, God’s will, and God’s glory to come on earth as it is in heaven.

2 Samuel 24:25 is a testimony of how God answered David’s prayer for the land and stopped the plague. Today, God wants to do the same for us.

He wants to answer our prayers for the land and stop the plagues. Impossible situations are not too hard for God to handle.

Our world is plagued by so many challenges at this time in history. Let us pray and ask the Lord to intervene because He can put a stop to it. Continue trusting the Lord in your situation and He will make a way.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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