Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readSep 6, 2024


God’s readiness to forgive

Unfailing love

Discover the comfort and assurance in Psalm 86:5

In a world where forgiveness and love can often seem scarce, Psalm 86:5 offers a powerful promise: “O Lord, You are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for ALL who ask for Your help.”

This verse is a profound reminder of God’s goodness, readiness to forgive, and His boundless love. Let’s explore how this promise can bring comfort and assurance to your life.

God is a good and faithful Father

God is a good and faithful Father. This means that His nature is inherently good, and His actions towards us are always rooted in love and faithfulness.

Unlike human relationships, where forgiveness and love can be conditional, God’s goodness is unwavering.

He is always ready to extend His grace and mercy to us, no matter our circumstances.

Ready to forgive
In His goodness, He is always ready to extend forgiveness to us. This readiness to forgive is a testament to God’s compassionate nature.

He understands our flaws and shortcomings and is always willing to offer us a fresh start. This divine forgiveness is not something we have to earn; it is freely given to all who ask for it. Knowing that God is always ready to forgive brings immense peace and relief.

A fresh start every day
With God in our lives, we can start afresh with each new day He gives us. Each day is an opportunity to experience God’s grace anew.

No matter what mistakes or failures we may have encountered, God’s forgiveness allows us to begin again.

This promise of a fresh start is a source of hope and encouragement, reminding us that we are not defined by our past but by God’s love and mercy.

Unfailing love for all
There is no end to His unfailing love for you, and He will help you. God’s love is limitless and unconditional.

It is available to everyone who seeks it, regardless of their past or present circumstances. This unfailing love is a constant source of support and strength, assuring us that we are never alone.

God’s love is a powerful force that can transform our lives and provide the help we need in every situation.

Embracing God’s love and forgiveness

Acknowledge His goodness: Reflect on the truth that God is inherently good and faithful. Let this knowledge bring you comfort and assurance.

Seek His forgiveness: When you make mistakes, don’t hesitate to ask for God’s forgiveness. Trust that He is always ready to forgive and offer you a fresh start.

Embrace each new day: Approach each day with the confidence that you can start afresh. Let God’s grace and mercy guide you through your daily challenges.

Rely on His unfailing love: In times of need, remember that God’s love is always available to you. Trust in His support and seek His help in every situation.

Psalm 86:5 is a powerful reminder of God’s goodness, readiness to forgive, and His boundless love. It assures us that we can always turn to God for forgiveness and a fresh start.

By acknowledging His goodness, seeking His forgiveness, embracing each new day, and relying on His unfailing love, we can experience the fullness of God’s promise.

Remember, God’s love for you is limitless, and He is always ready to help you. Let this promise bring comfort and assurance to your life, knowing that you are always held in His loving and forgiving arms.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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