Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readApr 5, 2024


God’s Unwavering Presence: A Journey with Jacob

Genesis 28:15 (NLT)

In the quiet of the night, as Jacob lay his head upon a rough stone in the wilderness, he found himself caught between the realms of wakefulness and dreams.

It was in this sacred space that God chose to speak to him, revealing promises that would shape the course of his life.

The ladder to heaven

In the dream, Jacob saw a ladder—a celestial bridge—stretching from the earth to the heavens.

On its rungs, angels ascended and descended, their ethereal forms moving seamlessly between realms. And there, at the top of this heavenly ladder, stood God Himself.

Genesis 28:15 (NLT) captures the heart of this divine encounter: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.”

These words were not mere platitudes; they were a lifeline for Jacob, a compass guiding him through the unknown.

God’s abiding presence

A Real Presence: God desires His abiding presence to be tangible, not abstract.

He longs for us to feel His nearness, to know that He walks beside us on our earthly pilgrimage.

Jacob, far from home and uncertain of his future, needed this assurance. And so do we.

Reassurance: God repeats this promise throughout Scripture. To Abraham, He said, “I will be with you” (Genesis 26:3).

To Isaac, the same words echoed (Genesis 26:24). Now, to Jacob, the torch of divine companionship passed from one generation to the next.

Guardian and protector: “What’s more,” God declares, “I will watch over you.” Imagine the Creator of galaxies, the One who flung stars into existence, keeping watch over a solitary traveler.

Jacob’s journey would lead him to distant lands, but God’s watchful eye would never waver.

The constant amidst change

Life is a winding path—a series of twists and turns that lead us through valleys and over mountaintops.

We encounter joy and sorrow, success and failure. Yet, amidst this ever-changing landscape, God remains our constant.

The unchanging one: Jacob’s life would take unexpected detours—deception, exile, reconciliation—but God’s promise remained steadfast. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Our true north: When storms rage and uncertainty clouds our vision, we fix our gaze on the One who walks beside us. His presence becomes our compass, pointing us toward purpose and hope.

The journey continues: Jacob’s journey did not end at that dream. He would become Israel, the father of a nation.

His descendants would multiply like the dust of the earth, fulfilling God’s covenant. And through this lineage, the Savior would come.

Closing thoughts

As we navigate our own journeys—through deserts and oases, through trials and triumphs—may we hold fast to the promise: “I am with you.”

God’s presence is not a distant echo; it is the heartbeat of our existence. He watches over us, guides us, and fulfills His promises.

So, like Jacob, let us rest our weary heads upon the stones of life’s uncertainties, knowing that the ladder still stands, the angels still ascend and descend, and God whispers, “Fear not, for I am with you.”

May His abiding presence be our greatest reality. 🌟


Scripture Savvy - Genesis 28:15 - Genesis 28:15

Genesis 28:14-15 NLT - Bible Gateway

Bible Verse of the Day - Genesis 28:15



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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