Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Guidance and care

Unveiling Psalm 32:8

In this beautiful verse, we find a comforting promise from the Lord—a promise that resonates across generations and speaks to the depths of our hearts.

Let’s break it down:

1. Divine instruction and teaching
“I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go…” (Psalm 32:8a)

God, our loving Father, takes on the role of a patient teacher. He doesn’t leave us stumbling in the dark or wandering aimlessly.

Instead, He provides guidance, illuminating the path before us. His instruction isn’t arbitrary; it’s purposeful and tailored to our unique journey.

2. The right path revealed
“I will give you counsel…” (Psalm 32:8b)

When life’s crossroads perplex us, God steps in as our divine Counselor. His counsel isn’t generic advice—it’s specific, timely, and aligned with His perfect will.

As we seek Him, He reveals the right choices, nudging us toward the path that leads to fulfillment and purpose.

3. Ever watchful care
“…and (I will) watch over you.” (Psalm 32:8c)

Imagine a loving parent watching over their child—a vigilant gaze that never wavers. God’s care for us surpasses even that. He doesn’t merely set us on the right course and step back; He remains ever-watchful.

His eyes are upon us, guarding, protecting, and ensuring our well-being.

4. Practical application
How can we embrace this promise?

Seek His guidance: When faced with decisions—big or small—invite God into the process. Pray, meditate on His Word, and listen for His gentle promptings.

Trust His counsel: God’s counsel may not always align with popular opinion or our desires, but it leads to abundant life. Trust His wisdom over our limited understanding.

Rest in His Care: In moments of uncertainty, remember that God watches over us. We’re never alone; His presence surrounds us.

In summary, Psalm 32:8 invites us to lean into God’s instruction, trust His counsel, and find solace in His watchful care.

May we walk confidently, knowing that the One who knows the way is also our constant companion.

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21) 🙏📖✨

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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