Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readApr 21, 2024


Prioritizing the divine: A reflection on Genesis 22:12

In the tapestry of faith, Genesis 22:12 (TLB) emerges as a profound thread, weaving the narrative of devotion and priority.

The verse captures a pivotal moment where the Angel acknowledges the depth of Abraham’s faith, stating, “for I know that God is first in your life…”

This acknowledgment is not merely a testament to Abraham’s character but serves as a guiding principle for all who seek to align their lives with spiritual purpose.

The primacy of the divine

The Lord’s rightful place at the forefront of existence is a theme echoed throughout various spiritual texts and traditions.

It is a universal call to recognize a higher order and purpose beyond the immediacy of our worldly concerns.

By placing the Divine at the center, one anchors their life in a steadfast foundation, capable of weathering the storms of temporal distractions.

The siege of attention

In the modern era, the siege upon our attention is relentless. From the incessant pings of technology to the clamor of consumerism, myriad forces vie for a place of prominence in our daily lives.

The cacophony of demands can drown out the still, small voice that beckons us towards higher ground.

The sovereignty of choice

Amidst the tumult, the sovereignty of choice remains firmly in our hands. It is a power both liberating and daunting, for with it comes the responsibility to discern what truly merits our focus.

To put first things first is to exercise wisdom and intentionality, selecting the eternal over the ephemeral.

The divine choreography

Once the hierarchy of values is established, with the Divine at its apex, a divine choreography unfolds.

The other issues, the secondary concerns that often preoccupy our thoughts, find their rightful place.

There is a promise implicit in this ordering—a promise that the Divine, in its infinite wisdom, will orchestrate the details of our lives in a manner that serves our ultimate good.

In conclusion, Genesis 22:12 (TLB) is not just a historical recount of a man’s faith but a timeless beacon for all who seek to navigate the complexities of life.

It reminds us that when we elevate the Divine to its rightful place, the rest will follow in harmonious accord.

It is a call to trust, to prioritize, and to allow the Divine to lead the dance of our days.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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