Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Reflecting on Revelations 15:3: The majesty of the divine

In the biblical literature, Revelations 15:3 stands out as a verse of profound adoration and recognition of the divine nature of God.

It is a verse that encapsulates the essence of worship, acknowledging the grandeur and righteousness of the Lord God, the Almighty.

The greatness of God’s works

The verse begins with an exclamation of the greatness of God’s works. It is an acknowledgment that all creation, from the vast expanse of the universe to the intricate details of a single atom, is a testament to the marvelous works of the Creator.

The phrase “Great and marvellous are Your works” is not just a statement of fact but a declaration of wonder and awe at the omnipotence of God.

The Lord’s Praiseworthy Nature

The call to praise the Lord is deeply rooted in the recognition of His greatness.

The Lord’s nature is such that it inspires worship and reverence. The verse reminds us that the Lord is “great and greatly to be praised,” suggesting that the response to His majesty is not just praise but abundant praise.

It is a call to elevate the Lord in our hearts and minds, placing Him above all else.

The comfort of divine presence

Fear is a common human experience, but the verse offers a comforting assurance: “You have nothing to fear for the Lord God Almighty is with you.”

This promise of the Lord’s presence is a source of strength and courage. It is an invitation to trust in the Almighty, who is ever-present and all-powerful, capable of overcoming any adversity or challenge.

Justice and Truth in the divine path

The ways of the Lord are described as “just and true (pure).” This speaks to the inherent righteousness and reliability of God’s guidance.

To follow the Lord’s ways is to walk a path of integrity and truth. It is an assurance that the divine plan is one of justice, and those who walk in it can do so with confidence and trust.

Steadfastness in faith

Finally, the verse calls for a steadfast spirit, urging believers to “remind yourself of His greatness, and don’t be shaken by circumstances.”

Life is replete with trials and tribulations, but the verse encourages a focus on the unchanging nature of God.

It is a call to remain firm in faith, regardless of the shifting sands of circumstance, knowing that the greatness of God is an anchor in the storm.

Revelations 15:3 is a powerful reminder of the attributes of God—His omnipotence, worthiness of praise, comforting presence, righteousness, and unchanging nature.

It is a verse that encourages believers to reflect on the divine character, find solace in the Almighty’s presence, and remain unwavering in their faith.

As we ponder on this verse, let us carry its message in our hearts, allowing it to shape our perspective and strengthen our resolve.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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