Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readMar 20, 2024


Rural-Urban Interdependency: A Symbiotic Relationship

Urban development and rural development are not opposing forces; rather, they form a dynamic partnership.

Rural and urban areas are intricately connected, influencing each other in ways that extend beyond mere geographical boundaries.

In this article, we explore the multifaceted relationship between these two seemingly distinct realms and shed light on their shared interests, challenges, and opportunities.

Complementary roles
Production and trade:
Urban centers rely on rural areas for essential resources such as food, raw materials, and energy.

Rural communities, in turn, benefit from urban markets where they sell their agricultural products and crafts.

Information flow and governance:
Urban hubs serve as knowledge centers, disseminating information, technology, and innovations.

Rural regions contribute to national governance through their participation in local administration and decision-making processes.

Flows of people and resources:
Migration between rural and urban areas is common, driven by employment opportunities, education, and lifestyle choices.

Natural resources, including water, timber, and minerals, flow from rural to urban areas, sustaining urban growth.

The myth of the rural-urban uivide
Despite the prevailing notion of a stark divide between rural and urban, reality paints a more nuanced picture. Let’s debunk this myth:

Historical perspectives:
Traditionally, policymakers labeled “rural” as remote farming regions and “urban” as cities and towns.

Economic activities were often seen as mutually exclusive, perpetuating the divide.
Shared Linkages:

Structural ties: Rural and urban spaces share infrastructure, transportation networks, and utilities.

Social bonds: Cultural exchanges, family ties, and social networks bridge the gap.

Economic interactions: Supply chains, labor markets, and financial transactions connect both worlds.

Push-and-pull factors
Understanding the forces that shape rural-urban dynamics is crucial:

Pull factors (Urban):
Better Education and Health

Services: Urban areas offer improved educational institutions and healthcare facilities.

Job opportunities: The allure of urban employment drives migration.

Bright lights: The vibrancy and excitement of city life attract rural dwellers.

Pull factors (Rural):
Cheaper Education and

Psychosocial support: Rural communities provide cost-effective education and social services.

Cultural attachment: Many choose to stay rooted in their rural heritage.

Retirement plans: Tranquility and community support draw retirees back to rural areas.

Push factors (Urban):
High Cost of Living: Urban life can be expensive, pushing some back to rural simplicity.

Unrealized job opportunities: Not everyone finds success in the city.

Health challenges: Urban stress and pollution impact well-being.

Push factors (Rural):
Drought and income constraints: Rural hardships drive migration.

Desire to escape farm labor: Seeking alternatives beyond manual work.

Illness and limited opportunities: Rural challenges prompt urban exploration.

The rural-urban interdependency is not a zero-sum game. Instead, it’s a dynamic dance of mutual support, where each partner contributes to the other’s growth and resilience.

Recognizing this symbiosis is essential for sustainable development, poverty reduction, and the well-being of our global community.


Von Braun, J. (2007). Rural-urban linkages for growth, employment, and poverty reduction.

Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.

Action Against Hunger. (2012).

Rural-urban linkages, household food security, and child nutrition.

Report available at



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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