Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
5 min readNov 13, 2023


See the Invisible and Achieve the Impossible: The Secrets of Mastering Your Mind and Reality

Learn how to use your imagination, faith, and action to create your own magic and make your dreams come true.

Magicians are masters of deception. They can make you believe that they have supernatural powers, when in fact they are just using clever tricks and techniques to manipulate your attention and perception.

They don’t know magic. They just know how to get you to look at what they’re not doing. So you can’t see what they are doing.

But what if you could see what they are doing? What if you could see the invisible things that are behind their illusions?

What if you could use that same skill to achieve your own goals and dreams, even if they seem impossible?

That is the premise of this article. I will show you how to see the invisible things that are there that you do not currently perceive.

I will show you how to use your imagination, your faith, and your action to create your own reality. I will show you how to become a magician of your own life.

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form mental images of things that are not present to the senses or that are not real.

It is the source of creativity, innovation, and invention. It is also the key to seeing the invisible.

Everything that exists in the physical world was once an idea in someone’s mind. Someone imagined it before they made it. Someone saw it before they built it. Someone dreamed it before they lived it.

The same is true for your own life. You have to imagine what you want before you can have it. You have to see it in your mind before you can see it in your reality. You have to dream it before you can live it.

But how do you imagine something that you have never seen before? How do you see something that is invisible to your eyes?

The answer is to use your other senses. Use your emotions, your intuition, your memory, your logic, your curiosity, your imagination.

Use whatever works for you to create a vivid mental picture of what you want.

For example, if you want to travel to a new place, you can use your emotions to feel the excitement, the joy, the wonder of being there.

You can use your intuition to sense the vibe, the culture, the atmosphere of the place. You can use your memory to recall similar places that you have visited or seen in pictures or videos.

You can use your logic to research the facts, the history, the geography of the place. You can use your curiosity to ask questions, to learn more, to explore the possibilities of the place.

You can use your imagination to combine all these elements and create a realistic and detailed image of the place in your mind.

The more you imagine, the more you see. The more you see, the more you believe. The more you believe, the more you attract.

The Power of Faith

Faith is the confidence or trust in something or someone. It is the belief in the unseen, the unknown, the invisible.

It is the conviction that what you hope for will come to pass, even if you do not see any evidence of it.

Faith is essential for seeing the invisible. Without faith, you will doubt your imagination. You will question your vision.

You will dismiss your dreams. You will limit your potential.

But with faith, you will trust your imagination. You will follow your vision. You will pursue your dreams. You will unleash your potential.

Faith is not blind. Faith is not irrational. Faith is not wishful thinking. Faith is based on reason, on experience, on revelation.

Faith is based on reason, because you have a logical basis for your belief. You have a clear goal, a plan, a strategy, a method.

You have done your homework, your research, your analysis. You have calculated the risks, the costs, the benefits. You have a rational expectation of success.

Faith is based on experience, because you have a personal proof of your belief. You have seen it work before, either for yourself or for others.

You have witnessed the results, the outcomes, the effects. You have learned from the mistakes, the failures, the setbacks. You have a practical knowledge of success.

Faith is based on revelation, because you have a divine confirmation of your belief. You have prayed and asked God to show you the things that you cannot currently see.

You have received His guidance, His direction, His confirmation. You have heard His voice, His word, His promise.

You have a spiritual assurance of success.

Faith is the bridge between your imagination and your reality. Faith is the link between your vision and your manifestation.

Faith is the catalyst that turns your dreams into your destiny.

The Power of Action

Action is the process of doing something to achieve a goal or a purpose. It is the expression of your will, your choice, your decision.

It is the demonstration of your faith, your belief, your commitment. It is the manifestation of your imagination, your vision, your dream.

Action is the final step for seeing the invisible. Without action, you will waste your imagination. You will lose your vision. You will forfeit your dreams. You will miss your opportunity.

But with action, you will use your imagination. You will realize your vision. You will achieve your dreams. You will seize your opportunity.

Action is not random. Action is not reckless. Action is not impulsive. Action is deliberate, intentional, purposeful.

Action is deliberate, because you have a clear intention of what you want to do. You have a specific goal, a measurable objective, a desired outcome.

You have a definite plan, a step-by-step procedure, a systematic approach. You have a focused attention, a concentrated effort, a consistent execution.

Action is intentional, because you have a strong motivation for why you want to do it. You have a compelling reason, a powerful purpose, a meaningful cause.

You have a personal passion, a deep desire, a burning fire. You have a positive attitude, a confident mindset, a resilient spirit.

Action is purposeful, because you have a positive impact on how you do it. You have a beneficial effect, a constructive influence, a helpful contribution.

You have a valuable skill, a unique talent, a special gift. You have a high quality, a high standard, a high performance.

Action is the proof of your imagination. Action is the evidence of your faith. Action is the result of your vision.

Seeing the invisible is not a magic trick. It is a life skill. It is a skill that you can learn, practice, and master.

It is a skill that will help you achieve the impossible.

To see the invisible, you need to use three powers: the power of imagination, the power of faith, and the power of action. These powers will help you create your own reality, your own magic, your own miracles.

You are a magician of your own life. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can have anything you believe in. You can be anything you imagine.

All you have to do is see the invisible.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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