Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readAug 6, 2024


Shining bright

The meaning of Matthew 5:14

In the timeless words of Jesus, we find a powerful call to purpose—a reminder that our lives hold significance beyond ourselves.

Let’s delve into the depth of Matthew 5:14:

1. Illuminating influence
“Our lives matter!”

Imagine standing atop a hill, a city gleaming in the distance. That city isn’t hidden; it’s visible for miles.

Likewise, Jesus tells His followers: “You are the light of the world.” Our lives aren’t insignificant; they’re meant to shine.

2. Radiating impact
“We can have an influence in the world around us.”

Light isn’t passive; it dispels darkness. As followers of Christ, we’re called to impact our surroundings.

Our words, our actions—they matter. When we choose love, kindness, and compassion, we illuminate hearts. We’re not bystanders; we’re change agents.

3. Reflecting God’s light
“Our lives can shine and reflect the light of God into the darkness.”

We’re not self-generated light; we’re mirrors. God’s light—His truth, grace, and love—illuminates us.

When we live in alignment with Him, we reflect His brilliance. Our purpose isn’t self-promotion; it’s God-glorification.

4. Reaching out
“Let your light shine, and reach out to touch and lift a desperate world.”

Our mandate isn’t isolation; it’s engagement. We’re not meant to hide our faith; we’re meant to share it.

When we shine, we touch lives. We lift the fallen, comfort the hurting, and guide the lost. Our light isn’t for our benefit alone; it’s for others.

Matthew 5:14 invites us to embrace our role as light-bearers—to recognize that our lives matter, our influence is real, and our purpose is to reflect God’s brilliance.

So let us echo these words in the quiet of our souls: “I am the light of the world.” May our lives shine brightly, pointing others toward the Source of all light.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

This insightful book is not just a read; it’s an experience that promises to shape the minds and futures of the next generation.

As you turn each page, you’ll uncover the tools and strategies essential for nurturing success in today’s fast-paced world.

Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Seize the moment and empower the young leaders of tomorrow.

Get your copy of “Beyond Invisibility” today and start crafting a legacy of success!

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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