Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readSep 30, 2023


Siemens Energy: Energizing Society

The global giant Siemens Energy finds its vision emblazoned in a phrase, a mission statement that seems simple enough in theory but demands the utmost commitment and ingenuity in practice:

Energizing Society. When we delve deeper into this phrase, we are faced with a multitude of pressing issues related to the generation, transmission, and storage of electricity. More importantly, it forces us to critically consider the fundamental question: how do we maintain our current infrastructure while facilitating a smooth transition to renewable energy sources?

Siemens Energy's accomplishments in the field are commendable, but they assert that they're not where they want to be yet. Addressing specific concerns such as load-sharing challenges head-on, the company has stepped up to show its willingness and readiness to offer its support.

However, it's equally important to shed light on their vision, which goes beyond immediate problem-solving. The company places great emphasis on transitioning to renewable energy sources, an area where it sees the potential for significant growth and improvement.

Renewable energy is the ultimate goal, but as of now, the economics do not fully support this transition. Rather than deeming this as a deterrent, Siemens Energy approaches it with an optimistic, future-oriented perspective. The company sees gas as an intermediate solution, a critical instrument in the transition phase from the current fossil fuel-dominant economy to one that is truly sustainable and carbon neutral. Their approach is characterized by pragmatic optimism — they acknowledge the present constraints but remain committed to their vision of a renewable energy future.

When it comes to energy transition, Siemens Energy upholds the philosophy of "working on progress as opposed to perfection". This philosophy embodies their commitment to continue making strides, however small, in the right direction. Rather than waiting for a perfect solution, the company proactively implements viable, gradual changes that accumulate to form significant strides towards achieving their goal.

This proactive approach not only affects how we generate and consume energy but also presents a broader perspective on how we can sustain our modern society. By continuously pushing the envelope and driving progressive changes, Siemens Energy is demonstrating its determination and commitment to keeping society energized and thriving, despite the imminent challenges.

Siemens Energy recognizes that the road to a renewable future is not an easy one. However, their dedication and realism, combined with an unwavering commitment to their core mission, position them at the forefront of this energy transition. They are a symbol of hope in a time of urgency and an example of a company that is actively shaping the future of our society through responsible and innovative action. Siemens Energy thus stands as a beacon in the energy sector, illuminating the path towards a sustainable future.



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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