Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readJul 15, 2024


Surrendering to divine guidance Psalm 37:5

“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him also, and He will do it.”

In the tapestry of life, there are moments when our own efforts fall short, when the path ahead seems uncertain, and our strength wanes.

It is during these times that Psalm 37:5 beckons us to a place of surrender—a place where we release our plans, dreams, and desires into the capable hands of our heavenly Father.

The call to surrender
“Commit your way to the LORD…”

This verse begins with an invitation: commit. It’s not a casual suggestion; it’s a deliberate act of entrusting our journey to God. Imagine standing at a crossroads, holding a map of your life.

Instead of trying to navigate alone, you hand that map over to the One who knows every twist, turn, and hidden path. You say, “Lord, I surrender my way to You.”

Trusting beyond understanding
“…trust in Him also…”

Trust is the bridge that connects our surrender to God’s action. It’s not blind faith; it’s a confident reliance on His character.

We trust that His wisdom surpasses ours, His timing is perfect, and His love never fails. Even when our circumstances seem chaotic, we hold onto the promise that He is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

The divine response
“…and He will do it.”

God’s faithfulness is unwavering. When we commit our way to Him and trust, He responds. But how does He “do it”? Sometimes, it’s not in the way we expect.

He may change our circumstances, but more often, He changes us. He molds our hearts, aligns our desires, and leads us toward His purpose.

As we surrender, we discover that His ways are higher, His plans more intricate, and His love deeper than we could imagine.

The peace of surrender
“When we reach this place of complete surrender, then we can enjoy peace.”

Peace isn’t the absence of storms; it’s the presence of God in the midst of them. When we relinquish control, anxiety gives way to serenity.

Our hearts find rest because we know that the Author of our story holds the pen. We no longer wrestle with the burden of figuring it all out; instead, we rest in His sovereignty.

His purposes unfold
“As we release our ways into His hands, He can bring about His purposes.”

Our plans may be finite, but God’s purposes are eternal. When we surrender, we become vessels for His divine work.

He weaves our stories into a grand narrative—one that impacts not only our lives but also the lives of others. Our surrendered paths intersect with His greater design, and miracles unfold.

So, dear friend, let us commit our way to the LORD. Let us trust in His goodness, even when the road ahead is unclear. For in surrender, we find strength, peace, and the fulfillment of His beautiful purposes.

May Psalm 37:5 be etched upon our hearts, guiding us toward the abundant life that awaits when we yield to the One who holds the universe in His hands.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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