Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
2 min readAug 4, 2024


The assurance of God’s response

Psalm 91:15

“When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.” – Psalm 91:15

In the sacred verses of Psalm 91, we find a promise that transcends time—a divine assurance for those who seek refuge in the Almighty.

Let’s explore the depth of this verse:

1. The call and response
“You can call on the Lord right now to intervene in your situation.”

Imagine a phone line to heaven—an open channel where our cries reach the throne room. When we call, God doesn’t send us to voicemail.

He answers. Not with automated messages, but with attentive love. Our prayers aren’t lost in the ether; they’re heard.

2. Unhindered attention
“He is not too busy to hear your heart’s call.”

God isn’t overwhelmed by the universe’s demands. He’s not juggling tasks, glancing at His watch.

When we speak, He leans in. Our whispers matter. Our needs, our fears—they’re His concern. We’re not a number in a queue; we’re His beloved.

3. Readiness and willingness
“He is ready, willing, and able to respond and restore.”

God isn’t caught off guard by our troubles. He’s not scrambling for solutions. When we’re in trouble, He’s already there.

His readiness isn’t reactive; it’s proactive. His willingness isn’t reluctant; it’s eager. Our restoration isn’t a distant hope; it’s His heartbeat.

4. The ultimate helper
“He is the One to Whom you can turn for the help and protection you need.”

Our options aren’t limited. We don’t face life’s storms alone. When trouble knocks, we turn to the One who rescues.

His honor isn’t a mere title; it’s His character. We’re not abandoned; we’re under His wings. Our help isn’t elusive; it’s present.

Psalm 91:15 invites us to lift our voices—to trust that when we call, God answers. So let us echo these words in the quiet of our souls: “He will rescue and honor us.”

May our hearts find solace in His response, and our lives reflect His honor.

Embark on a transformative journey with Mabule Lekete’s “Beyond Invisibility: Crafting Success for Generation Alpha.”

This insightful book is not just a read; it’s an experience that promises to shape the minds and futures of the next generation.

As you turn each page, you’ll uncover the tools and strategies essential for nurturing success in today’s fast-paced world.

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Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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