Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readApr 27, 2024


The divine essence of joy”:The divine essence of joy

“Joy is the echo of God’s life within us.” – Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Unraveling the Greek Tapestry

In the rich tapestry of language, certain words carry profound significance. One such word is “joy.”

Its Greek counterpart, “Chara,” weaves together threads of grace, divinity, and eternal truth. To understand joy, we must unravel its roots, tracing them back to the very essence of existence.

Charis: The Source of Joy

At the heart of joy lies “Charis”, the Greek word for “Grace.” Charis is not a fleeting emotion or a mere sensation; it is a cosmic force that flows from the Creator to His creation.

When God extends His grace, it is an outpouring of love, unearned and undeserved. Charis is the divine favor that bridges the gap between humanity and the infinite.

Chara: The Blossom of Grace

Derived from Charis, “Chara” blossoms forth as joy. Unlike transient happiness, Chara is not subject to circumstance or fleeting moments.

It is not a mere emotional state; rather, it is a spiritual reality. Chara is the echo of God’s life within us, resonating through our souls. It transcends the temporal and connects us to the eternal.

The Divine Exchange

Joy is not something we achieve through our efforts; it is a gift we receive.

It flows from the heart of God, like a river of living water. When we encounter Charis, it transforms us. Our hearts become vessels, conduits for divine joy.

We find joy not in our achievements or possessions but in our relationship with the Giver of all good things.

The Dance of Joy

Imagine joy as a celestial dance. We twirl in the embrace of grace, our steps guided by the rhythm of eternity.

In moments of worship, gratitude, and surrender, we join the cosmic choreography. Joy is not static; it swirls and pirouettes, inviting us to participate. It is the music of heaven, and our souls are the dancers.

The Holy Spirit’s Gift

Joy is not self-generated; it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we yield to His presence, He infuses our lives with Chara.

It is a supernatural joy that defies circumstances. Even in trials, it remains unshaken. The Holy Spirit whispers, “Receive this gift; let it overflow.” And so, we do—our hearts brimming with joy unspeakable.

The Quest for True Joy

Seeking joy is not a pursuit of fleeting pleasures; it is a quest for the eternal. We find it not in the shallows but in the depths of surrender.

When we align our hearts with God’s purpose, joy becomes our constant companion. It accompanies us through valleys and mountaintops, whispering, “You are loved; you are known.”

So, dear seeker of joy, remember this: Chara is not a human invention; it is a divine revelation.

It is the fragrance of grace, the melody of heaven, and the echo of eternity. Embrace it, for in doing so, you embrace the heart of God.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10

May the grace of Charis fill your days with unending joy, like a sun that never sets. 🌟🙏



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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