Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula
3 min readApr 4, 2024


The divine essence of joy”:The divine essence of joy

“Chara” – The Greek Translation

Joy, a word that transcends mere emotion, finds its roots in the ancient Greek language.

In Greek, it is known as “Chara”, a term that carries profound significance. To truly understand joy, we must delve into its etymology and explore the spiritual essence it embodies.

Charis: The Source of Joy
At the heart of this exploration lies another Greek word: “Charis”, which translates to “Grace”.

Charis is not a fleeting sentiment; it is a divine force that flows from the very heart of God. It is the unmerited favor bestowed upon humanity—a gift that surpasses human understanding. When we grasp this concept, we begin to unravel the mystery of joy.

The birth of chara
Chara, the offspring of Charis, emerges as a radiant expression of grace. Unlike transient happiness, joy is not tethered to circumstances or fleeting moments.

It is not a mere byproduct of external events. Instead, it emanates from the depths of our souls, nourished by the wellspring of divine favor.

The Unshakable Nature of True Joy
Human-based happiness waxes and wanes like the phases of the moon.

It dances with the winds of fortune, rising and falling with life’s tides. But true joy—the joy that Chara embodies—remains unshakable.

It stands firm even when storms rage, for it draws its sustenance from a higher realm.

The gift of the Holy Spirit
Joy is not something we achieve through our efforts; it is a gift—an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

When we open our hearts to God’s grace, Charis flows into our lives, birthing Chara within us. It is a transformational process, akin to a barren land blossoming into a lush garden.

The dance of joy
Imagine joy as a celestial dance. Its rhythm is not dictated by external melodies but by the harmonious chords of grace.

When we align ourselves with this divine rhythm, joy becomes our constant companion. It accompanies us through valleys and mountaintops, whispering hope even in the darkest hours.

Receiving the ineffable
So, how do we attain this joy? We don’t strive for it; we receive it. Like a precious gift handed down from heaven, joy descends upon us.

It is not a reward for our deeds but a manifestation of God’s love. We open our hearts, palms upturned, and allow Charis to fill us.

The radiance of divine joy
When joy flows through us, it radiates outward. It colors our interactions, infusing them with grace.

It transforms mundane moments into sacred encounters. We become carriers of this celestial light, sharing it with a world hungering for hope.

Next time you encounter joy, remember its origin. It is not a fleeting emotion but a divine inheritance.

Let Chara dance within you, and may its melody resonate with the grace that birthed it.

For true joy is not found in achievement; it is received—a luminous reflection of the One who gives abundantly.

May the grace of Charis fill your heart, and may Chara be your constant companion. 🌟✨



Mabule Junior Lekete
God’s Success Formula

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